Activity Work Sub- Economics Level-12
Activity - 1 Hkkjrh; :i;s ds vU; ns”kksa dh eqnzk ds lkFk fofue; nj dk fu/kkj.kZ fnukad 1 twu 2015 S.NO CURRENCY NAME RATE 1 US DOLLAR 2 ROUBLE 3 YAIN 4 UERO 5 POUND
Activity - 2 fo|kfFkZ cktkj esa tk dj fofHkUu Ikzdkj dh oLRkqvksa dk losZ{k.k dk;Z djsxsa vkSj mlds ckn mldk rqyUkkRed v/;;Uk djsxsaA S.NO Items/Goods YEAR - 2014 YEAR - 2015 DIFFERENCE 1 Lkksuk ¼10g½ 2 pkWnh ¼10g½ 3 xsgWw (per quintal) 4 Pkkoy (per quintal) 5 ljlksa dk rsy (per liter) 6 jktek ¼nky½ (per kilo) 7 nw/k (per liter)
Online - Activity - 3 vFkZ”kkL= dh egRoiw.kZ iqLrdksa ds ys[kdksa ds uke Online ds ek/;e ls irk djksA S.NO BOOKS NAME WRITER NAME 1 The Wealth of Nation 2 The General Theory of Employment, Interest & Money 3 Das Kapital 4 Capitalism 5 The wealth and Poverty of Nation. 6 Growth economics 7 India 8 The Argumentation 9 The Idea of Justice 10 Macro Economics
Online - Activity - 3 vFkZ”kkL= dh egRoiw.kZ iqLrdksa ds ys[kdksa ds uke Online ds ek/;e ls irk djksA S.NO BOOKS NAME WRITER NAME 1 The Wealth of Nation Adam Smith 2 The General Theory of Employment, Interest & Money J.M. Keynes 3 Das Kapital Karl Marx 4 Capitalism James Fucher 5 The wealth and Poverty of Nation. David S. Landes 6 Growth economics Amartya Sen 7 India 8 The Argumentation 9 The Idea of Justice 10 Macro Economics John H. Jackson