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What is the SDWA? Safe Drinking Water Act Rules that govern public water systems in providing drinking water to their customers Lets play JEOPARDY! Remember: All answers must be in the form of a question! Jeopardy! is a trademark of Sony Pictures. It is not affiliated with RCAP, Inc. in any way.
Who needs the SDWA? Multiple- Barrier Approach Public Notification Name That Rule Mixed Bag $100 $200 $300$400 $500 $100 $200 $300$400$500$100 $200 $300$400$500$100 $200 $300$400$500$100 $200 $300$400$500
Who needs the SDWA? $100 This type of system serves an average of 25 or more people a day for at least 60 days per year.
What is a public water system (PWS)? Who needs the SDWA? $100
Who needs the SDWA? $200 In this type of system, water is supplied to the same population of residents all year around.
Who needs the SDWA? $200 What is a community water system (CWS)?
Who needs the SDWA? $300 In this type of system, water is supplied to the same 25 people for at least 6 months each year, but not their residences.
Who needs the SDWA? $300 What is a non-transient, non-community water system (NTNCWS)?
Who needs the SDWA? $400 In this type of system, water is provided in a place where people do not live continuously.
Who needs the SDWA? $400 What is a transient, non-community water system (TNCWS)?
Who Needs the SDWA? $500 The _____ or the _____ are responsible for meeting the requirements of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Who Needs the SDWA? $500 Who is the owner or the operator?
Multiple-Barrier Approach $100 A study that defines the land area contributing water to each public water system, potential sources of contamination, and determines how susceptible the water is to this contamination.
Multiple-Barrier Approach $100 What is a source water assessment?
Multiple-Barrier Approach $200 _____ develops an EPA- approved program for assessment of all source waters in the state.
Multiple-Barrier Approach $200 What is each primacy agency?
Multiple-Barrier Approach $300 True or false? The results of the source water assessment are publicly available.
Multiple-Barrier Approach $300 What is true?
Multiple-Barrier Approach $400 Having a safe, protected water source is first in protection of public health, but treatment of the water source and proper operation & maintenance of the storage and distribution systems depend on these.
Multiple-Barrier Approach $400 Who are licensed (certified) operators?
Multiple-Barrier Approach $500 The fourth aspect of the multiple- barrier approach is the provision of information on these two topics to consumers.
Multiple Barrier Approach $500 What are water quality and health effects?
Public Notification $100 True or false: Customers have the right to demand copies of ALL water system records.
Public Notification $100 What is false?
Public Notification $200 Public notification is required when there are these of any regulation by the water system.
Public Notification $200 What are violations?
Public Notification $300 This type of violation includes non- compliance with monitoring requirements or testing procedures.
Public Notification $300 What is a Tier 2 violation?
Public Notification $400 This type of violation includes maximum contaminant level violations, Treatment-technique violations, and non-compliance with variance or exemption schedules.
Public Notification $400 What is a Tier 1 violation?
Public Notification $500 Chemical analyses and written reports are kept for this minimum time period.
Public Notification $500 What is 10 years?
Name That Rule $100 This rule was enacted to protect consumers from metals that originate from home plumbing.
Name That Rule $100 What is the Lead and Copper Rule?
Name That Rule $200 This rule regulates a naturally occurring toxic metal that can also come from agricultural or industrial sources.
Name That Rule $200 What is the Arsenic Rule?
Name That Rule $300 This rule requires compliance monitoring to show a 99.99% reliable inactivation or removal of viruses from treated drinking water that originates under the ground.
Name That Rule $300 What is the Groundwater Rule?
Name That Rule $400 Water systems using ultraviolet light do not have to monitor finished water to comply with this regulation.
Name That Rule $400 What is the Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts Rule (Stage 1 DBP)?
Name That Rule $500 The bacteria used to judge compliance with this rule are not actually pathogenic themselves.
Name That Rule $500 What is the Total Coliform Rule?
Mixed Bag $100 Providing a comprehensive one of these to your customers can keep them informed and confident that their water is safe.
Mixed Bag $100 What is a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)?
Mixed Bag $200 True or false: A Tier 2 violation is more severe than a Tier 1 violation.
Mixed Bag $200 What is false?
Mixed Bag $300 These rules cover inorganics, synthetics, and volatile organics in drinking water.
Mixed Bag $300 What are the Chemical Phase Rules?
Mixed Bag $400 This rule protects consumers from Cryptosporidium by regulating recycle flow.
Mixed Bag $400 What is the Filter Backwash Rule?
Mixed Bag $500 This rule requires removal of Cryptosporidium, E. coli and Giardia lamblia from drinking water that originates from lakes, rivers or streams.
Mixed Bag $500 What is the Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2)?