Sixth Form Options Evening 2017
You will enjoy life to the full, value your friendships and achieve balance in your life have a thirst for knowledge and an eagerness to discover more have staying power which will equip you to study independently have a good range of hobbies and interests
A levels 2017 JCG vs UK Female % A*-A % A*-B % A*-C %A*-E JCG 40.5 70 % A*-A % A*-B % A*-C %A*-E JCG 40.5 70 92.4 100.0 National average 26.1 54.4 79.2 98.5
You will leave us with an excellent record of achievement for an academically-demanding course at university or employment which will lead to a stimulating career. apply for internships, work experience and voluntary work in the holidays have grown as an individual who is happy, well-mannered and able to find fulfilment in service to others
You will have happy and lasting memories of your time at College and an admiration for those people who have nurtured and shaped your learning.
Students’ Perspective
The Advanced Learning Programme Core Subjects Electives Independent Study Time 21+ A level Subjects to choose from. Students choose 4 hours of elective programmes. 1 hour per week following the ‘Life Skills and Choices’ programme. Time for students to complete homework and proactive work (work that students set for themselves). 5 hours per subject per week. Total of 15 hours per week. Total of 5 hours per week. Total of 5 hours per week in school. Students should also aim to complete an additional 10 hours of independent study per week outside of school.
Calendar of Year 11 Events 2017-18
Autumn Term Employability seminar – Post-16 Options and Preparing For Life Beyond JCG Discussions with current Year 13 students Core subject taster lessons Fast Tomatoes Online Profile Sixth Form Options Evening
Spring Term Individual Interviews Employability Seminar – Visiting Alumni Core subject choices to Miss Lea – 14th February Core subject choices confirmed by the end of the spring term
Summer Term Study leave commences – 6th May Year 12 Induction Day – Tuesday 27th June at St Helier Town Hall GCSE results day – Thursday 24th August Confirm subjects – Monday 4th September Start Year 12 – Tuesday 5th September
Contact Details Lisa Spiteri – Head of Sixth Form Tel: 516267 Email: Ruth Lea – Assistant Headteacher (Learning & Curriculum) Tel: 516268 Email: Adam Sykes – Employability Co-ordinator Tel: 516231 Email: