Pearl Harbor and the Home Front War Effort The U.S. Enters the War Pearl Harbor and the Home Front War Effort
Competing Interests in the Pacific Prior to U.S. entry - Germany seen as main threat Policy was to deter Japan while building 2-ocean navy Neither U.S. nor Japan wanted war but neither willing to compromise Japan wanted Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere U.S. wanted Open Door & status quo
Heading For A Fight “Yellow Peril” propaganda & Japanese aggression in Asia hardened U.S. attitude Less isolationist opposition to clash with Japan 1939 - U.S. banned sale of aviation fuel and scrap metal to Japan Additional items banned after signing of Tripartite Pact (9/40) & more aggression
Communication Breakdown 7/41 - Japanese assets in U.S. frozen Total embargo on trade Followed takeover of Indochina New Japanese war minister Hideki Tojo Opposed compromise w/ U.S. Needed supplies for war machine By Nov. 41 - U.S. intelligence knew war was imminent All U.S. commands on alert
“A Date Which Will Live In Infamy” 12/7/41 surprise strike at Pearl Harbor Bold Japanese gamble paid off Preemptive strike at U.S. Navy 188 aircraft destroyed, 8 Battleships + other ships sunk or crippled, 2400 dead Many vital U.S. ships out to sea 29 of 353 Japanese planes shot down Enables Japanese to expand unhindered
Aerial view of the harbor
Most of the damage was done within an hour. Top left - USS West Virginia Bottom Left - USS Arizona Top Right. - USS Shaw
Crewmen greet returning Japanese pilots after raid on Pearl Harbor
The Response War declared on 12/8 Germany & Italy declare war on U.S. on 12/11 German U-Boats began attacking U.S. shipping immediately within sight of our shores
U-Boats of the German Kriegsmarine stalked U. S U-Boats of the German Kriegsmarine stalked U.S. ships along our Atlantic coastline. As many as 5 ships per day were lost in the early months of the war - nearly negating production of new ships.
“It is all bad.” Nazis rolling across Europe, N. Africa Japanese capturing the Pacific islands and vast sections of continental Asia U.S. forces vanquished in Philippines MacArthur - “I shall return!” 11K U.S. prisoners of war Bataan Death March Japan at peak of its territorial control
Captured American troops - Corregidor, Philippines
Mobilizing the War Effort War Powers Act 1941 gives FDR greater authority to direct war effort Draft & enlistment raise millions of troops - 15 million men by end of war 350K women (WACs & WAVES) Joint Chiefs of Staff formed also Office of Strategic Services Pentagon opens 1942 world’s largest building
War Powers Acts 1941 - emergency authority to FDR Control of trade, defense contracts, censorship 1942 - additional powers Requisition property, rationing, regulation of transportation
Economy & Production Office of Price Administration 1942 price ceilings, rent control War Production Board 1942 Control raw mats., regulate production, cut non-essential civilian production National War Labor Board 1942 mediate labor disputes War Manpower Commission 1942 ensure adequate labor supply
Propaganda Office of War Information controlled info of war used press, movies, radio to build public morale
American propaganda covered numerous concerns - from financing the war effort, encouraging conservation of resources, warning of espionage, or simply building morale.
Contrasting views of the American woman in wartime.
The Production Miracle Civilian production converted to war production 33% of economy devoted to war U.S. made more weapons than all Axis powers combined Production times reduced from months to weeks (even days!)
Costs of the War U.S. spent $320 billion 10x amount of all previous wars Ended the Great Depression Govt. spending made 17 million jobs 293K killed in battle + 116K from other causes 670K wounded in battle