Bose-Einstein Condensate States Of Matter Solid Plasma Liquid Bose-Einstein Condensate Gas
What was the Bimetallic Strip? Metallic = Metal Bi = TWO Bimetallic strip is a strip of two metals
Why does it bend? Kinetic Theory of Matter states: All Matter is made of tiny particles that are in a constant state of motion.
Why does it expand? Thermal Expansion: Most Matter will expand as molecules gain energy and contract when energy is lost. About 1.0002 nanometers (0.00000000010002 m) About 1.0 nanometers (0.0000000001 m)
Why does it expand? If you have only ONE atom, then the change is extremely small and hard to notice. But… If you have 100’s of atoms, then all of those little individual changes will quickly add up to a “Large” change.
Why does it expand? Thermal Expansion Joints are all around us.
Now look at your data and calculate your LED Why does it expand? Let’s Calculate just how much your Aluminum Bar Expanded? The Arrow Pin had a diameter of 3mm (r = 1.5mm) Find the Arrow Pin’s Circumference (c)= 2πr C = 9.4 mm C = 360° 9.4 mm 360° Linear expansion distance (LED) = Δθ x 9.4 mm 360° Now look at your data and calculate your LED
Some things just expand faster than others. Why does it bend? Thermal Expansion: All matter has a different rate of Thermal expansion. Some things just expand faster than others.
Solids Solids have a Definite Shape Closely packed Volume: Solids have a Definite Volume Molecules: Closely packed Do not change position easily
Drawing of Solid Molecules
Liquids Liquids take the shape of their container Closely packed Volume: Liquids have a definite Volume Molecules: Closely packed They are able to move over one another
Drawing of Liquid Molecules Time 1 Time 2 Time 3
Gases: Gases take the shape of their entire container Spread apart Volume: Gases volume is equal to the volume of the container Molecules: Spread apart They move freely in all directions
Drawing of Gas Molecules Time 1 Time 2 Time 3
Plasma Plasma take the shape of its entire container Same as Gases Volume: Plasma’s volume is equal to the volume of the container Molecules: Same as Gases but have (+) and (-) charged particles
Drawing of Plasma Molecules + -