Case Study Polluted Open Evaporation Pond Recycled industrial effluent Reclamation Demo Plant 1000m3/Day Project objectives Production of Alternative high quality industrial water From raw Polluted Pond chemical &heavy petrochemical industrial Plants effluent. Target recovery is 92% RR Water to be used as cooling water, process water, irrigation and high pressure Boiler feed water (ultra-pure water)
AST Company Profile Years of experience, Knowledge and development at: Membrane Based solutions to treat sea water, brackish water and well water Wastewater treatment and effluent recovery – For Oil & gas industry, Metal processing, mining, leachate COD treatment Via AST patented Advance Sonic Oxidiation process. Application of specialized formulations/chemicals for water treatment Vibratory membrane systems VSEP for Ultra high Recovery of Waste water, chemicals and brine streams Sea water Desalination and water recycle projects
AST Company Profile Cooling Tower & Chemical Disposal Open Pond Intake Facility
Pre-Treatment Filtration Ultrafiltration systems Feed screened Blend water (several open pound high TDS high Cod source of water) is treated with SF +UF systems for eliminating the TSS and the turbidity of the Open Pound Feed water TDS `5000-6000, ~ Cod <450 Advantages Low pressure Low running cost (Power) Backwash Rec. (High RR -98%) Small Footprint
RO-Revers Osmosis Two Passes RO Systems UF Product is treated by two Passes of RO membrane for eliminating the dissolved matter using low fouling membranes TDS Product ~ 150-200 ppm TDS Advantages High TDS resistance Reject Rec. High recovery ~ 86%
Brine Recycle Kit Vibrating mambrnes AST-SEP RO brine is recycled with High pressure & vibrating unit to reclaim Brine water from RO operation at 85-90% Recovery rate eliminating COD, Heavy metals , High Silica & Sulphate Low pressure Treat non-degredables Remove Gases & D.O Small Footprint
Optional upgrading C-EDI Polishing Ultra pure (high pressure boilers feed water) water production By use of advanced Membranes technology - How?! CEDI is a technology that combine electromagnetic field with Resins and membranes. Polishing CEDI modules removes the traces of TDS from the RO product to produce ions free water
Rejects treatment Solid Waste plant Rejects and brines back to evaporation pound Treatment The reclamation plants produce (as a by product)solid waste from the membrane process with high TDS brines streams are send to disposal in conjunction of environmental regulations demands parameters