Biodiversity: Who cares?
Which do you like better? A
Which do you like better? A
Which do you like better? A B
Which do you like better? A B
Which do you like better? A
Which do you like better? A B
Which do you like better? A B
What do you think biodiversity means?
Biodiversity What does “Bio” mean? Life Bio =
What does “Diversity” mean? Biodiversity What does “Diversity” mean? Diversity = Variety
Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth Scientists have identified more than 30 million species. Tens of millions -- remain unknown The tremendous variety of life on Earth is made possible by complex interactions among all living things including microscopic species like algae and bacteria.
There are 3 components of biodiversity Diversity of genes Chihuahuas, beagles, and rottweilers are all dogs—but they're not the same because their genes are different. Beagle Chihuahua Rottweilers
There are 3 components of biodiversity Diversity of species For example, monkeys, dragonflies, and meadow beauties are all different species. Golden Skimmer Meadow Beauty Saki Monkey
There are 3 components of biodiversity Variety of ecosystems Prairies, Ponds, and tropical rain forests are all ecosystems. Each one is different, with its own set of species living in it. Paines Prairie Florida Sand hill Pond Hoh Rain Forest
But biodiversity is in danger!
Should we be concerned about biodiversity? What we know: The Earth is losing species at an alarming rate Some scientists estimate that as many as 3 species per hour are going extinct and 20,000 extinctions occur each year. when species of plants and animals go extinct, many other species are affected.
** Threats to Biodiversity Habitat Destruction Pollution Alien and invasive species Climate change Overexploitation Draining of Wetlands
Which organisms are the most in danger ?
25 % of mammals are in danger…
… as well as 11% of birds …
… and 34% of fish!
A number of species have already become extinct!
Humans represent the biggest threat.
What affects biodiversity in an ecosystem? ** Extreme conditions decrease biodiversity. There are fewer species in areas that are extremely hot or cold or in areas that are very dry or acidic.
What do we get from biodiversity? Oxygen Food Clean Water Medicine Aesthetics Ideas
** Why preserve biodiversity? Medical and Economic potential Green plants help remove access CO2 from the atmosphere and release O2 into the atmosphere. This helps to decrease the effects of global warming. To satisfy human needs – hunting, fishing, agriculture – we need biodiversity for our food. Food chains and ecosystems.
** What can we do? Buy local – meat, fruits and vegetables Reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers. Conserve energy – lower the heat in your house, turn of your lights and electronics when not in use, etc. Start using reusable shopping bags instead of plastic bags! Reuse, reduce and recycle! Carpool, public transit, walk and bike!
Which is more diverse? B A
Which is more diverse? B A
Which is more diverse? A B
Which is more diverse? A B
Which has more cultural diversity? B A
Which has more biodiversity?
Which has more biodiversity?
To do: Second side of your sheet – Biodiversity and Sustainability Answers
Video – Madagascar – Biodiversity Hot Spot (~1 hr) Video - Biodiversity Video