Paz de Christo Food Kitchen Can you give three hours of your time to prepare and serve a meal to approximately 150 needy and homeless people next Friday, Feb. 12? I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I awoke and found that life was but service. I served and discovered that service was joy. Rabindranath Tagore
AP Language and Composition Wednesday, 3 February 2016 Time will pass; will you? 65 school days remain in the spring semester. Today’s Class: Writing a refutation About those fallacies…
Housekeeping Do you need to make up a close reading? Progress Reports will be posted Friday morning. Is your grade correct? Please keep your grades monitored in IC, and alert me immediately to any discrepancies. The Daily Course Calendar for this term has been posted on the class website Writing contests are now posted on the class website; optional credit is available for submissions—see me for details. Making up work? Need to see me? Please make an appointment.
Coming Due—do not squander time—that’s the stuff life’s made of! Tomorrow: Reflection/Scoring: Is college worth it? Word-processed. Discuss your ratio of source to narrative, and how you used the sources. Address strengths, weaknesses and needed improvements. Are you working on your research paper draft?
Writing a refuting argument—due Tuesday, 2/9 Choose a “claim” that your opponent is making, and provide evidence what that claim is either illogical, unsupported or otherwise flawed. Concessions are good. however, on the other hand, considering this, this may be true, but… One, fully developed paragraph, word-processed At least one citation required
Today’s Class Avoiding Fallacies—at least the glaring ones… “Love is a Fallacy” Handout—a guideline and helpful hints for writing your paper
Close Reading: Close Reading: Defining an author’s purpose, and identifying and analyzing the techniques and strategies employed to achieve that purpose. Vocab Log #11 out? Term logs out? 27 minutes “Climatologists…” and “It has been well said…” 7 minute group discussion. Circle three questions to discuss with your group—these are the only three questions you can change, but only after discussion. Score and turn in
What is rhetoric? The traditional definition of rhetoric, first proposed by Aristotle, and embellished over the centuries by scholars and teachers, is that rhetoric is the art of observing in any given case the “available means of persuasion.”
Rhetoric—Whose idea was it? Socrates: 469-399 B.C.E. Father of Western philosophy and Mentor to Plato. Epistemology and logic. Plato: 424-348 B.C.E. Student of Socrates and founder of “The Academy” Philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric and mathematics. Aristotle: 384-322 B.C.E. Student of Plato, and teacher to Alexander the Great.