Engineering Design Process Scientific Method vs. Engineering Design Process Both scientists and engineers contribute to the world of human knowledge, but in different ways.
Scientists… use the scientific method to make testable explanations and predictions about the world asks a question and develops an experiment to answer that question study how nature works
Scientific Method: 1. Purpose 2. Research 3. Hypothesis 4. Experiment State the problem; ask a question 2. Research Find out about the topic 3. Hypothesis Predict the outcome of the problem 4. Experiment Plan a procedure to test the hypothesis 5. Data/Analysis Record the results of the experiment 6. Conclusion Compare the hypothesis to the experiment conclusion
Variables Variables are anything that can be changed within an experiment. There are 2 types of variables….
Types of Variables Independent (Test) Variable: The variable that is changed/tested by the scientist; the ‘I change’ variable. Dependent (Outcome) Variable: The variable that changes because of what the scientist changes –”Data” (what is measured) quantitative and qualitative observations and data.
Control Group The control is the part of the experiment that is not changed and is used to compare the experimental results to.
Types of Descriptions Qualitative descriptions describe an object’s quality without using specific values. There are NO numbers used in qualitative descriptions. Ex: The fish is gold Quantitative descriptions describe an object using specific values. There are numbers involved in quantitative descriptions. The fish has two eyes.
Engineers… use the engineering design process to create solutions to problems. identify a specific need: Who need(s) what because why? And then, he or she creates a solution that meets the need. create new things, such as products, websites, environments, and experiences.
Ask Imagine Improve Plan Create The Engineering Design Process define the problem, conduct research 2. Imagine brainstorm ideas, possible solutions 3. Plan draw a model or build a prototype, make a materials list 4. Create follow a plan to create the product, test the product, gather information/data 5. Improve evaluate results, improve the design, retest and re-evaluate PREDICT!
Engineering Design Process Compare and Contrast Scientific Method Engineering Design Process Fill in the Venn diagram on the back of the cover sheet