“Honoring All Learners” Welcome to 5th Grade! “Honoring All Learners”
Fifth Grade Calendar 5th Grade Music Program: Oct. 25th Please note important upcoming dates specific to 5th grade: 5th Grade Music Program: Oct. 25th Spelling Bee: Jan. 18th ECO Week/Human Growth and Dev. Parent Meeting: March 26th Capstone Presentations: May 10th ECO Week: May 22nd-24th 5th Grade Graduation: May 30th
5th Grade Expectations Absences Stoplight Behavior System Although it can be difficult to plan appointments after school, please keep in mind that make-up work cannot take the place of class discussions, lectures, cooperative problem solving, or “teachable moments.” Students will have one additional day to complete classwork for every day absent. Please let teachers know of planned absences at least two days prior; however, this does not guarantee all work can be created and gathered prior to absences. Stoplight Behavior System Yellow is a reminder to slow down/teachable moment. Red requires a reflection sheet that is sent home to be signed by a parent. Consequences are taken care of at school. Birthday Policy “Happy Birthday, Let’s Move” is the Bethke policy to celebrate birthdays with movement rather than treats. Healthy Morning Snacks—NUT FREE!
5th Grade Expectations Student Organization Communication Please review your child’s planner nightly to discuss what they learned in school. Parents will be required to sign the planners until October conferences. Organization is key for success in middle school. Students will be keeping all papers in their Trapper Keeper for each trimester. Communication Do what works for you: email, call, write notes in assignment planners. We will respond within one work day. Communication about math homework and grading should be done with your child’s math teacher.
Lunch Room Expectations A blue paw print stamp means the your child has one lunch left. 5th graders can go back for seconds and have a la carte items. These are charged to your account. Our café is very full, there is no room for parents to eat with their child. Please limit your visits. The students will have access to the microwave, please limit food that can be heated up in 1 minute or less due to the large number of possible students needing to heat up their lunch. NO frozen meals.
Curriculum Curriculum Map can be found on the website Cursive (one weekly assignment required) Long Term Projects throughout the year… August/September: State Fair November: Cell Model (at home) April/May: Research Paper/Capstone Project Occasionally there may be some projects that your child didn’t finish at school and they may need some time and/or assistance from home.
Homework policies are consistent as a grade level Reading Complete all CORE novels and correlating work Spelling Tests are on Thursday. Afterwards, students receive their new list and homework is due the following day. Students are expected to study throughout the week. Math Students will be assigned nightly practice but will begin this work in class. Students have access to online materials to support homework as needed. Other Students who use their time wisely in class will have less homework. Students should email their teacher if they have questions regarding homework. Students can always read and practice math facts.
Tech Policies There is a parent non-permission form to sign if you do not want your child to have their picture taken or displayed on the school website. The Bethke Technology policy states that anything that comes to school is not our responsibility if it gets lost or damaged. Cell phones must stay in backpacks (turned off) all day. Please sign the technology agreement and return as soon as possible. Student responsibility with laptops: Google Docs Student emails Students should bring ear buds/headphones, flash-drive, and mouse if preferred.
Website 5th Grade Website: View updated information periodically http://bethke5thgrade.weebly.com/index.html View updated information periodically Student Links Available on the Bethke website and the 5th grade website
Parent Communication Goal October 16th, 17th, 18th To meet every child where they are at; open communication with parents through phone calls and emails Work collaboratively to meet student needs Grade Level Meetings Differentiated math and reading groups MTSS—work with teachers throughout the building October 16th, 17th, 18th I will be emailing you a link to signup genius tomorrow Students are encouraged to attend and participate in conferences