Region 1 iSTEP IEEE Student Transition to Engineering/Technology Professional A Geo Unit Revitalization Project December 17, 2011
Region 1 iSTEP Working Group Members Co-Chairs Soon Wan, R1 Membership Development Chair Ravi Todi, R1 PACE Chair Principal Investigator Charles Rubenstein, R1 Director Four Area Chairs Thomas Perkins - Northeastern Area Durgamadhab Misra – Southern Area Asif Hassan – Central Area Eugene Saltzberg – Western Area Jignasa Ray, R1 Student Activities Chair Uri Moszkowicz, R1 GOLD Coordinator Corresponding Members: Peter Eckstein, R1 Director-Elect Arthur Winston, R1 Strategic Planning J. Keith Nelson, R1 Society Liaison Other R1 ExCom Members, Area Chair-Elects
Region 1 iSTEP Benefits Benefits to IEEE Members and IEEE MGA Increase the relevance of IEEE to Student Members and graduates. Increase the visibility of the local IEEE Section and GOLD with a focus on IEEE as the world’s largest electro-technology organization for students, scientists, engineers, technologists and those who manage them. Increase interactions between students, GOLD and their local sections. Improve the retention rates of student members upon graduation. Engage and motivate young volunteers – including students. Provide internetworking opportunities for Student, GOLD, Life, and higher-grade members. Create new partnership opportunities with the industry and academia.
Congratulation Letter iSTEP at Region 1 Area Meetings Region 1 iSTEP Program Pilot Objectives Phase 1: Design and Develop an iSTEP Graduation Package Phase 2: Revise the Congratulation Letter for graduating students Phase 3: Organize iSTEP events at Four Region 1 Area Meetings Student-GOLD Mentoring Connection Session Graduation Package Congratulation Letter iSTEP at Region 1 Area Meetings GSM or GOLD Member Student Member iSTEP Initiative
WG1: Design and Develop an iSTEP Graduation Package Package to include IEEE benefits and services that are needed either for a graduating student’s early career, or graduate school. For example, the Mentoring Connection Program. Work with IEEE IB&SC (Individual Benefits & Services Committee) and the IEEE Marketing and Sales Committee to repackage existing available products and services. Promote the Region 1 iSTEP Graduation Package with advertisements in Potentials Magazine, at GOLD STEP events, on Student Branch websites, and in IEEE Social Media communities. Proposed Members: Jignasa Ray, R1 Student Activities Chair (WG1 Chair) William Dorney, R1 Student Representative Soon Wan, R1 MD Chair Uri Moszkowicz, R1 GOLD Coordinator Charles Rubenstein, R1 Director
WG2: Revise the Congratulation Letter for graduating students Get a ‘Doc’ file copy of the current Congratulation Letter(s). Revise letter to include information to highlight what IEEE Membership can provide GSMs and new employees , GOLD Members, as well as those wishing to become technology managers. The letter should emphasize the privileges of becoming a higher grade or GSM member, such as IEEE election voting rights, young professional awards, participation in local Section/Chapter activities and networking with other professionals. Proposed Members: Uri Moszkowicz, R1 GOLD Coordinator (WG Chair) Jignasa Ray, R1 Student Activities Chair William Dorney, R1 Student Representative Ravi Todi, R1 PACE Chair Charles Rubenstein, R1 Director
Overview: WG3: Organize Region 1 iSTEP events at Four Area Meetings The Region 1 iSTEP Program will be held in the afternoon of a local Area Meeting/Training session. The Area Meeting/Training will be in the morning and ‘end’ at lunch. The Region 1 iSTEP program can include an after event ice cream party reception. For 2011, at least one Region 1 iSTEP event will be planned in each Area. For 2012, and beyond there would be at least two events per Area with additional events possible subject to the availability of funding. Events could occur collocated with Region 1 Area “Days” as well as at SAC Conferences, Student Branch Leadership Training Workshops, or Region Meetings. Proposed venues and dates for 2011 are on the next slide. Suggested program outline and budget are also on the following slides.
WG3: To organize Region 1 iSTEP events at Four Area Meetings Suggested Program Outline: Region 1 iSTEP 1:00PM Welcome (Area chair) 1:10PM Keynote: “Scalability of YOUR IEEE Membership” (Charles Rubenstein, Region 1 Director) 1:30PM “IEEE One Voice” Video 1:45PM Introduction of IEEE Organization, Membership Benefits, Activities, GOLD Program, and Volunteering Opportunity (Ravi Todi, R1 PACE or Uri Moszkowicz, R1 GOLD) 2:15PM IEEE Mentoring Connection (Soon Wan, R1 Membership or Jignasa Ray, R1 Students) 2:45PM Break 3:00PM Panel Session “Mentoring for Professional Development “ (Soon Wan, Uri Moszkowicz, Jignasa Ray, Area & Section Chair) 4:00PM Breakout Session: Meet your Mentors and Mentees 5:00PM Mentoring Game 6:00PM Ice-Cream Party
WG3: To organize iSTEP events at Four Region 1 Area Meetings Proposed Location/Event and Date: Central Area: Asif Hassan (WG3-C Chair) Schenectady: Renselear Polytechnic Institute October 22, 2011 (Saturday) Western Area: Eugene Saltzberg (WG3-W Chair) Syracuse,: Syracuse University CASE Center October 29, 2011 (Saturday) Western Area Meeting and Training Southern Area: Durga Misra (WG3-S Chair) North Jersey: New Jersey Institute of Technology November 5, 2011 (Saturday) Southern Area Meeting and Training Northeast Area: Thomas Perkins (WG3-NE Chair) New Hampshire Section Awards Banquet Manchester NH November 12, 2011 (Saturday)
Region 1 iSTEP 2011 Budget Logistics = $5K Total Budget = $20K $10K Approved from MGA $10K from Region 1 Reserves Developing Graduation Package = $3K (Face-to-face and Telecon Planning Meetings) iSTEP Event at Northeast Area Meeting = $3K Southern Area Meeting = $3K Central Area Meeting = $3K Western Area Meeting = $3K Logistics = $5K Advertisement and Promotion Giveaways, Promotion Materials and Misc Expenses
Region 1 iSTEP Milestones List of items for Graduation Package (by 1st week of Nov 2011) Graduation Package approved by MGA (by 19 Nov 2011 MGA Board Meeting) Advertisement of Region 1 iSTEP Graduation Package in Potentials At least four Region 1 iSTEP events collocated with the four Region 1 Area Meeting/Training Sessions and/or other Region events by end of 2011.
Region 1 iSTEP Success Metrics Increase in Region 1 Student to GSM / Higher-Grade membership retention rate (>50% by 2014) Increase in number of Region 1 Mentor/Mentee Relationship matches (>20 annually by 2014) Region 1 iSTEP event attendance (>50 per Area Meeting by 2014) Region 1 iSTEP program self-sustaining by 2014 Empowering local volunteers to be trained in Region 1 iSTEP Identifying budget opportunities and funding assistance
Northeast Area Sections: Region 1 Areas Northeast Area Sections: Boston, Maine, New Hampshire, Providence, Worcester County 2011 and 2012-2013 Area Chair: Tom Perkins Southern Area Sections: Connecticut, Long Island, New York, New Jersey Coast, North Jersey, Princeton-Central Jersey 2011 Area Chair: Durga Misra 2012-2013 Area Chair: Bob Pellegrino Central Area Sections: Berkshire, Mid-Hudson, Mohawk Valley, Schenectady, Springfield, Green Mountain 2011 Area Chair: Asif Hassan 2012-2013 Area Chair: Lisa Shay Western Area Sections: Binghamton, Buffalo, Ithaca, Rochester, Syracuse 2011 Area Chair: Gene Saltzberg 2012-2013 Area Chair: Alex Loui
Slide 14 Thank You. Questions?