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Genes are located on _______________ Chromosomes Chromosomes are long threads of tightly coiled _________ DNA A section of a chromosome is a __________ Gene The two types of genes are ________ & ______ Autosomal & Sex Chromosomes
What does diploid mean? Containing both sets of chromosomes What cells are diploid? Body Cells (Somatic Cells) Do these cells divide via Mitosis or Meiosis? Mitosis How are diploid cells represented? 2N
Mendel bred purebred’s in his first experiments Mendel bred purebred’s in his first experiments. What does it mean to be purebred? Homozygous How did he grow only purebreds? Allowed them to self-pollinate
These chromosomes are similar but not identical These chromosomes are similar but not identical. One chromosome is obtained from each parent. Homologous Chromosomes A pair of homologous chromosomes is called a ________. Tetrad
What is the major occurrence in Meiosis I? Homologous chromosomes separate What is the major occurrence in Meiosis II? Sister chromatids separate What happens during Prophase I of Meiosis? Crossing Over Is there an interphase between Meiosis I and Meiosis II? No What is the end result of Meiosis? 4 Genetically Unique Haploid Cells
Your father’s gametes are called ___________. Sperm These sex cells contain 22 autosomes and _________. Either an X or Y chromosome Your mother’s gametes are called _______. Eggs These sex cells contain 22 autosomes and _____. Only X chromosomes
Homozygous refers to ______________ alleles. Same Heterozygous refers to _____________ alleles. Different Dominant genes are always represented with a _____________ letter. Uppercase Recessive genes are always represented with a _________ letter. Lowercase
A physical description like tall or blue eyes is an example of a _____________. Phenotype An organisms ____________ is represented by alleles. Genotype Example (Genotype-Phenotype) TT- tall, Tt-tall, tt- short HH- curly hair, Hh- wavy hair, hh-straight hair
What law states that organisms inherit two copies of each gene, but separate those copies before donating only one copy to each of their offspring? Law of Segregation What law states that some alleles are dominant and others are recessive? Law of Dominance What law states that the segregation of alleles of one trait does NOT affect the segregation of the alleles of another trait. (This law also explains genetic variation) Law of Independent Assortment
A _____________ cross shows one trait. Monohybrid A ____________ cross shows two traits. Dihybrid What are the gametes for this genotype for a dihybrid cross: AaBB AB, AB, aB, aB What are the gametes for this genotype for a dihybrid cross: DdEe DE, De, dE, de
A blue butterfly crossed with a yellow butterfly that produced green butterflies is an example of ________________. Incomplete Dominance A brown cow crossed with a white cow that produced brown and white spotted cows is an example of ________________. Codominance In the two examples above, both of their genotypes are _____________. Heterozygous
Red-green color blindness and hemophilia are considered _________________. Sex Linked Traits This is because these genes are located on the ________ chromosomes. Sex, X and Y chromosomes
BB-bald Bb- thin hair bb-hairy TT- tall Tt- average tt-short Complete a Dihybrid Cross BB-bald Bb- thin hair bb-hairy TT- tall Tt- average tt-short Show the cross between a woman with thin hair and tall height with a man that is hairy and short in height. BbTT X bbtt Show the genotypic and phenotypic ratios. bt BT BbTt bT bbTt