Lesson 5 – Development
Agenda Bell Ringer – Sentence Types Rhetorical Analysis development Summary vs. Analysis Paragraph Evaluation – HIGHLIGHTING Synthesis development Organizing by Reasoning Using Multiple Sources to Synthesize Paragraphing Review Paragraph Leveling with Samples Models Paragraph Revisions Revise one Rhetorical Analysis paragraph Revise one Synthesis paragraph
Rhetorical Analysis
Summary ANALYSIS Anything that restates ideas from the text. Topic Sentence Introductory Material Stating devices used by the author Evidence from the text Quoting Paraphrasing Summarizing Tying back to thesis Anything that relates your own ORIGINAL ideas about the text. Explanation of the effect of a rhetorical device Explanation of the author’s purpose in using a rhetorical device Connections between ideas
Rhetorical Analysis Paragraph Evaluation Exchange rhetorical analysis essays with a partner and pick a specific body paragraph for your partner to evaluate. As you read your partner’s paragraph, highlight in YELLOW/ORANGE every sentence that is summarizing information from the passage (including topic sentence) Next, highlight in BLUE/GREEN/PINK every sentence that is analyzing the passage, specifically looking for discussions of intention and effect.
SYNTHESIS: Organize by Reasoning What to do instead of using the categories or sources to organize your essay: Use REASONS/IDEAS!! Sarte’s view that ownership extends beyond the tangible is valid. Furthermore, this sense of ownership of the non-tangible is essential to the development of one’s sense of self because it encourages goal-setting, promotes creativity, and helps people find a place in their community. Early school start times are problematic because they negatively affect student performance in class and they don’t account for students who have jobs.
Using multiple sources to Synthesize To synthesize, you used multiple sources to come up with your REASONS for your argument. So, each reason you have should have evidence from more than one source to show a pattern of proof. Source A: Study from Harvard Psychologist showing a decreased performance in schools beginning before 8:30am Early school start times are problematic because they negatively affect student performance in class and they don’t account for students who have jobs. Source C: Child psychologist in New York Times saying she sees more mental health issues in students w/ early start times, which affects grades. Source B: School survey: 49% of students in 11th and 12th grades work 15-20 hours a week Source A: Washington Post article: avg. student has 3 hours of homework a night, and if they work and get off at 10pm, they would be going to bed at 1am
Paragraph Organization for Synthesis Topic Sentence Using reasoning from thesis Identify Evidence from Text (Source #1) Explanation Show how evidence supports reasoning Identify Evidence from Text (Source #2) Concluding sentence Connects back ideas in paragraph to thesis
Basic Paragraph Structure T.R.E.E.S. Paragraph Topic Sentence: Introduce the topic of the sentence. Reason: How do I know my answer is correct? Evidence*: What facts are there to support my reasoning? Explanation*: How does my evidence show my answer? Summarize: Connect your ideas back to your thesis. * There can be as many Es as you need in order to prove your topic sentence.
Paragraph Leveling Review the notes on Paragraph Leveling Look at the sample Rhetorical Analysis and Synthesis paragraphs
MODEL Rhetorical Analysis Paragraph Symbolism and Myth in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man By Candace Foxworth Free as a Bird 1. Joyce develops a symbolic and mythic structure which enlarges the meaning of Stephen's story through repeated references to birds and the flights of birds. 2. Stephen equates his fear of his cruel classmate, Heron, in the early part of the novel to his fear of the eagles which renders him helpless and victimized to the eagles who "will pull out his eyes." 2. Stephen associates birds with his own desire to become birdlike, to rise above his dull and sordid world, to rise on the wings of artistic inspiration and sexual ecstasy. 3. The beautiful birdgirl, who appears to Stephen, embodies his desires. 3. The "wild angel" birdgirl beckons him to "the gates of . . . error and glory." 2. Stephen's identification with Daedalus gives the symbolism of flight a mythic form. 3. Daedalus, a legendary Greek artist, fashioned, in his most famous achievement, wings of wax and feathers enabling Daedalus and his son Icarus, to escape from their island prison, Crete. 3. Stephen wants to identify with Daedalus, the heroic "hawklike man flying sunward above the sea," implying Stephen's kinship with the prideful and daring Icarus who flew too near the sun melting his wings and causing him to plunge into the sea. 3. Traditionally associated with the fall of Satan, the fall of Icarus introduces a fearful note into Stephen's final decision to cut himself off from his family, his country, and his Catholic faith. 2. The myth of the birdman as artist parallels the story of Stephen Dedalus in its ambiguity. 3. Will Stephen fly to freedom and artistic fame like Daedalus or like Icarus soar beyond his limits and fall into oblivion? 1. The indeterminacy of Stephen's fate reveals that the symbolism of flight and the myth of the birdman may simply indicate the dangers of freedom and creativity faced by every artist and every human being. *Summary *Analysis
Model of Synthesis Paragraph *Summary *Analysis 1. The evidence makes it clear that a general disinterest in politics may be behind a lack of voter participation among those registered to vote. 2. Evidence from a recent poll suggests that lack of participation among voters has much more to do with a general lack of political interest than the feeling of a single vote not making a difference. 3. Source C shows that 46.6% of respondents aged 18-24 said that their reason for not registering to vote was due to lack of political interest versus the 3.7% that said it was due to the feeling of a single vote not making a difference. This drastic difference was the same for every age group polled (Source C). 4. This shows that the majority of American citizens don’t find politics personally interesting or see the value of politics in their own lives. Even though those polled in this case cited this as a reason that they did not register to vote, the primary reason for not voting doesn’t change even if a person registers. 2. Our country has focused on voter registration to solve our problems with political participation, such as Rhode Island’s implementation of the National Voter Registration Act (Source F) and The Generation Z Vote Campaign (Source E). 3. Both saw much success in registering more voters aged 18-24 than in previous years. However, when the election took place after the Generation Z Campaign, the actual number of 18-24 year olds that voted was virtually the same low number as every year in the past (Source E). 4. This is likely because our country has not focused on the real problem: a lack of political interest. 1. The widespread perpetuation of voter registration programs has only successfully convinced citizens that registration is important not that politics is important, and this is why political participation remains stagnantly low.
Paragraph Revision Revise one body paragraph from your Rhetorical Analysis Essay and one body paragraph from your Synthesis Essay. As you revise your paragraph, write it out in the format of a leveled paragraph, numbering the level of each sentences and indenting each additional level further than the previous level. In each sentence, highlight/circle the pointer that leads to the next sentence. Example of Rhetorical Analysis: 1. Topic Sentence 2. Identify device used and effect 3. Example #1 of device 4. Explanation 3. Example #2 of device 1. Concluding sentence Example of Synthesis: Topic Sentence 2. More specific reasoning 3.Identify Evidence from Text (Source 1) 4. Explanation 3. Identify Evidence from Text (Source 2) 1. Concluding sentence