1/14/2016 Second Chance Equivalency Programme and Out-of-School Children Initiative Study in Myanmar (Myanmar NFPE) Dr. Aye Aye Myint GB Member Myanmar.


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Presentation transcript:

1/14/2016 Second Chance Equivalency Programme and Out-of-School Children Initiative Study in Myanmar (Myanmar NFPE) Dr. Aye Aye Myint GB Member Myanmar 4 October 2016 SEAMEO CELLL

Background As education is a human right, efforts have been made globally as well as locally to ensure that everyone has the right to education. One of the major challenges faced in Myanmar Basic Education is limited access to school and high drop-out rate. Although the majority of primary school-aged children (age 5-9) were enrolled in school, the net primary completion rate was only 54% ( MICS data. 2009-10 AY). As a result there are an estimated 2 million children (age 5-16) that have never enrolled in school nor have dropped out of the system (IHLCS. 2014).

Overview of children attending/not attending schools (Census data, 2014) The education system in Myanmar does not meet the needs of all learners. Census 2014 data TP 05-17 years- 12,146,445 Not attending school- 35.27% - Currently attending- 7,807,875 Not attending school- 4,338,570 While most Myanmar’s adult population have basic reading, writing and arithmetic skills and access to formal education has improved over the last 20 years, school dropout at primary level and low enrollment rates with secondary level imply continued challenges in access to education. Myanmar has not yet accumulated the set of skills which may be demanded by the labor market in the year ahead. Stronger focus on vocational training and a higher proportion of tertiary graduates in education and health are essential. Multiple Indicators Clusters Survey- (MICS) 2009-2010, UNICEF Myanmar found that only 58.3% of children of secondary school age were attending secondary school. Only 28.2% percent of children from poorest households are in the secondary school, while the figure for children from the richest households is as high as 85.5%. It was found that there was a huge gap between urban and rural secondary net attendance rate; 76% and 52% respectively.

Some Reasons for not attending schools 1/14/2016 Cost burden to poor family Seasonal work and migration Geographical remoteness Low level of parental education Poor nutrition and health status Lack of interest in education Poor infrastructure Mokhtar, N.S.M, 2010, survey conducted in 25 CFS townships-MDEF-1 This is the snap shot of some reasons for not attending schools

In order to ensure access to education especially for out-of-school children, alternative learning programmes have been initiated. In Myanmar NFPE is a systematically organized alternative learning programme, providing a second chance of education for out-of-school children (age 10-14). It is a two-year progrme equivalent to existing five-year formal primary education.

NFPE programme is managed and supervised by four levels of management committees: Central level, region/state level, township level and centre level. Under the supervision of trained township monitors and regional monitors, trained facilitators implement the NFPE curriculum, developed by a Technical Team. There is appreciation and commitment to the programme by all stakeholders such as MOE, INGOs, NGOs, private donors, well-wishers and the community.

Progress & Achievements under Quality Basic Education Program (QBEP) 1/14/2016 Non-Formal Primary Equivalency Education “Conceptual Framework and operational guideline for national expansion” study conducted Standardized test for Level-2 subjects developed and used for quality assurance of NFPE MoE officials learned the design structure of nationalized accreditation and certification of primary equivalency program in Indonesia NFPE program reviewed study conducted NFPE reached 53,000 children (10-14 yr) in 94 townships EXCEL (Community-based Extended Continuous Education and Learning) focused on development of psychosocial competencies for adolescents (10-17 yr) reached 50,072 in 28 townships Contributed for development of newly established Department CESR study- in linking with CESR study (2013) To learn policies, the design structure of nationalized accreditation and certification of primary equivalency programme (2012) Review strengths and constraints of NFPE EP program (2015)

PROFILES BARRIERS POLICIES Out-of-School Children Initiative Study (OOSCI) in Myanmar What is the OOSCI approach? Who are children out of school and where are they? Inclusion Study and learned from existing data of multisources How can they be brought to school and stay there? Why are they out of school? PROFILES BARRIERS POLICIES 9

Recommendation Continuing education programmes for out-of-school primary graduates such as Non-Formal Middle School Education ( NFMSE ) programme, Non-Formal Technical and Vocational Education programme, etc. should also be provided for further advancement. The government should be viewed as the guarantor of the right to education and government therefore have a special responsibility to promote access to public goods such as education to all citizens.

Promote inclusive education for children with disabilities 1/14/2016 Set up policy and alternative learning strategies for OOSC through evidence based study and analysis Develop Alternative Education Policy Framework and Quality Assurance System Promote inclusive education for children with disabilities Strengthen multi-sectoral coordination and response under MoE leadership

1/14/2016 Thank You!