Progress & the Future Brian Copsey (ETSI) GSC10_grsc3(05)36 Agenda Item: 5.5 Radio Microphones Progress & the Future Brian Copsey (ETSI)
Radio Microphones ETSI published documents approved at GRSC#9 in 2004 During the conversion of the GRSC document into a European harmonized standard a problem was encountered: The GRSC working party had not fully considered the different spurious levels within the three ITU Regions A proposal will be put forward to use the most restrictive figure for all regions in order to keep a single universal document. Gsc10_grsc3(05)36
Cordless Audio/Radio Microphones European Review Within Europe the massive influx of band 2 micro transmitters for cordless audio applications (such as ipod MP3 players) has caused a review of the legitimacy of these devices CEPT/SE24 has produced a report, which is out for consultation until September Within the report and via a CEPT/ECC recommendation a figure of 50nW erp is recommended ETSI has taken a full part in the compatibility studies at both a practical and theoretical level ETSI Special Task Force 259 (STF 259) was consulted as to appropriate methods of measurement taking into account the low power levels involved Gsc10_grsc3(05)36
Cordless Audio/Radio Microphones European Review Considerations of the CEPT/SE24 group when looking at measurement methods included both: 1) protection of the radio services and spectrum, 2) ability of both manufactures and enforcement authorities to reproduce the measurement. The compatibility testing was carried out at the TDF laboratory, and it was found that after using conventional substitution methods the same results where obtained by only testing to THE EMC STANDARD EN 55022 with a relaxation at the carrier frequency of 12.2 dB for the agreed mask of the transmission. Gsc10_grsc3(05)36
Cordless Audio/Radio Microphones European Review ETSI ERM TG17 in conjunction with STF 259 and members of CEPT/SE24 have produced additions to the Cordless Audio standard EN 301 357 to incorporate this approach for the band 2 transmitters The document was agreed at the last ETSI ERM meeting and is now out for a two part approval by the ETSI Membership We await members comments with interest! Gsc10_grsc3(05)36
Cordless Audio/Radio Microphones European Review Band sharing has become a high interest area in a number of countries, with new open and unbiased view on the potential solutions now that many devices and services have become “digital” ETSI ERM TG 17 will be looking at the possibilities for Cordless Audio/Radio Microphones both within the Broadcast bands and in other parts of the radio spectrum Gsc10_grsc3(05)36
Cordless Audio/Radio Microphones Future Having had the opportunity to compare conventional methods of testing low power transmitters against the EN55022 method, there are definite advantages in exploring this form of testing These EMC tests are needed in most part of the World in addition to the Radio Spectrum tests It reduces the time and cost of testing Is reproducible by enforcement authorities and small manufacturers ETSI will pursue this development!! Gsc10_grsc3(05)36
Cordless Audio/Radio Microphones Questions and Future work for the GRSC working party (1) With the experience of extensive testing on the band 2 micro transmitters : ARE WE “OVERTESTING” Radio Microphone and Cordless Audio Products? Proposal: The GRSC working party should examine the “EMC” method of testing and report back to GRSC#11 Gsc10_grsc3(05)36
Cordless Audio/Radio Microphones Questions and Future work for the GRSC working party (2) Given the World wide appeal and use of band 2 micro transmitters Proposal: The GRSC working party should examine existing standards and limits and prepare a draft documents for GRSC#11 Gsc10_grsc3(05)36
Cordless Audio/Radio Microphones Questions and Future work for the GRSC working party (3) Given the ITU limits are different in the three regions Proposal: The GRSC working party should examine the cost benefits of using the most stringent limits for the GRSC standards Gsc10_grsc3(05)36
Cordless Audio/Radio Microphones Questions and Future work for the GRSC working party (4) The GRSC working party should seek members views and comments on band sharing with other services now that the broadcast bands have become congested with simulcasting of analogue and digital transmissions In order to start the discussion “why should Radio microphones not share in the 1467–1492 MHz L sub-band?” Gsc10_grsc3(05)36