This project is funded by the European Union 29/12/2018 This project is funded by the European Union
Cooperation with EFFAT/IUF and EMCEF/ICEM Tailor-made courses for ICEM and IUF affiliates in South-East Europe (2004-2009) in cooperation with International TU project Office in Zagreb on the topic of globalisation, MNEs and international labour standards; modernization of trade union organisations ITC-ILO EFFAT project ‘Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Tourism Industry’ (2007) ITC-ILO EMCEF ECEG PROJECT ‘Strengthening the Capacity of EMCEF Affiliates for Participation in Sectoral Social Dialogue at national and European level’ in parallel with training project for employers in chemical industry (2009-2010) Decent Work for Domestic Workers (2012) project with ETUC and EFFAT 29/12/2018 This project is funded by the European Union
This project is funded by the European Union EFFAT project 2007 181 (50,27% F) participants from 14 TUs, 12 countries (BG, HR, CY, CZ, EE, HU, LV, LT, MT, PL, SR, SI) trained in 9 training activities on the topics: international labour standards, organising, collective bargaining, social dialogue at national and EU levels, EWCs, OSH, gender and migration Primary concern of TUs: lack of decent work opportunities in HORECA sector (job growth vs. poor quality of jobs) Training trainers, 7 national seminars, final conference Evaluation: 4.44 29/12/2018 This project is funded by the European Union
This project is funded by the European Union EMCEF project 2009 181 (25,41% F) participants from 30 TUs, 15 countries (BG, CY, CZ, HU, EE, LV, LT, MT, PL, RO, SR, SI, HR, MK, TK) trained in 9 training activities on the topics: national bipartite social dialogue and collective bargaining, European sectoral social dialogue, globalisation and ILS, the impact of the crisis on EMCEF industries Training trainers, 4 sub-regional seminars, study group ESSDC, bipartite workshop, 2 follow-up national seminars Evaluation: 4.38 29/12/2018 This project is funded by the European Union
Follow-up project 2012 Identification of a problem Limited participation of social partners from New Member States in European sectoral social dialogue committees due to the weaknesses on the national level that are echoed in the EU SD Selected sectors: Agriculture, food industry, HORECA, energy, chemistry and mining
Challenges in NMS and CC (I) Weak national labour legislation An overall low level of social dialogue and industrial relations Poorly designed institutional framework, weak labour and SD institutions Need for consolidation of institutions, add content and delivery power to the existing institutional forms Sectoral social dialogue and collective bargaining are the weakest link Proliferation and fragmentation of trade unions which adversely affects TU dialoguing strength 29/12/2018 This project is funded by the European Union
This project is funded by the European Union Challenges (II) Decline in membership as a dominant feature, representativity issue Need for rejuvenation of TU movement, new image of trade unions Barriers in external (language) and international communication (dissemination of ESD-related information to TU members) and internal capacities (insufficient knowledge about ESD forms and processes) Lack of sectoral employers’ organisations at national level Absence of employers’ interest in being involved in EU-level sectoral projects and activities 29/12/2018 This project is funded by the European Union
This project is funded by the European Union Immediate objectives Improved knowledge on EU sectoral social dialogue Improved exchanges of good practices and experiences among trade unions in the area of organising, collective bargaining and social dialogue Increased networking and cooperation among trade unions in NMS and CC 29/12/2018 This project is funded by the European Union
This project is funded by the European Union Activities Training trainers at the ITC ILO in Turin Sub-regional workshop 1 in Croatia (HR, SI, MK, MT, CY) Sub-regional workshop 2 in Romania (RO, BG, TK) Sub-regional workshop 3 in Hungary (HU, PL, CZ, SK) Sub-regional workshop 4 in Baltic States (EE, LT, LV) Study visit ESSDC (EMCEF) Study visit ESSDC (EFFAT) Final conference in Brussels for all NMS and CC 29/12/2018 This project is funded by the European Union
This project is funded by the European Union Project team ITC-ILO, EFFAT, EMCEF, International TU Project Office ZG: Giacomo Barbieri, Harald Wiedenhoffer, Michael Wolters, Evelin Toth, Mato Lalić, Daniela Ciot, Teuta Krilić, Corinna Zierold, Elke Libbrecht Contact: Evelin Toth Mucciacciaro Programme Officer - Region Europe Programme for Workers' Activities Phone: +39 011 693 6452 Fax: +39 011 693 6589 Skype ID: evelin.toth Mobile: +39 34 63 25 83 49 29/12/2018 This project is funded by the European Union