Instructions To Play the Cybersecurity Magic 8-Ball game, go to the “Slide Show” menu and select the “From Beginning” icon. Once the game launches, click to begin the game.
8 It's Everyone's Job to Ensure Online Safety at Work! PLAY Cybersecurity Ask the Magic 8 Ball!
Should I accept a Facebook friend request from someone I don’t know? Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. Should I accept a Facebook friend request from someone I don’t know? 8 ASK
If you can’t verify the identity of the requestor, you shouldn’t accept that they are, in fact, friends! It Depends Next Question
Do I really need to change my password often? Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. Do I really need to change my password often? ASK
If your password isn’t changed on a regular basis, your familiarity with your password will eventually lead to its compromise. Absolutely Yes! Next Question
Is it OK to set my Facebook privacy setting to “Public”? Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. Is it OK to set my Facebook privacy setting to “Public”? ASK
Wherever possible in your Facebook settings, limit who can see your posts to just your friends. wouldn’t do it!
Is it OK to open an attachment from someone I don’t know? Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. Is it OK to open an attachment from someone I don’t know? ASK
If you can’t verify the sender, it’s best not to open an attachment If you can’t verify the sender, it’s best not to open an attachment. This could be a phishing attempt. Best not to!
Is it OK to access social networking on DoD Information Systems? Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. Is it OK to access social networking on DoD Information Systems? ASK
Social Media use must be authorized, should not interfere with your duties and you must employ OPSEC. Never state opinions on behalf of DoD. It Depends
Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. I just posted a unit picture to Facebook letting my friends know that I have been deployed to Kabul, Afghanistan. Was that OK? ASK
Probably not a good plan Never post anything that might jeopardize you, your co-workers, your job, or the government. Probably not a good plan
Is it safe to reuse passwords on multiple sites? Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. Is it safe to reuse passwords on multiple sites? ASK
If you reuse a single password on multiple sites, once compromised, hackers will be able to access all of your sites. Always use different passwords for log-ins! Absolutely not!
Click “Ask” to see what the CI Magic 8 ball says. You receive an email from your IT Department asking you to click a link and provide your password. Should you click the link? ASK
This could be a bogus email This could be a bogus email. Clicking on the link and providing your password could give a hacker access to your system and maybe more! I would never do that! Done
Click here to learn more about Cybersecurity and Social Media Thanks for playing! Click here to learn more about Cybersecurity and Social Media 8