Science communication: Misleading reports in the media Presenter: Shu Min Group 5: Shu Min, Yan Ling, Yi Mou
Popular article: "Bacterial infection killed almost 19,000 in 2005” Journal article: “Invasive Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Infections in the United States”
Contents: Communicating science Problems in popular article Good aspects of popular article Conclusion
Communicating Science Engaging Easy to understand Accuracy
Engaging Easy to understand Accurate Ignoring the baseline
Introduction to popular article
Problem in popular article #1 Heading “Infection Killed 19,000, Study Says”
Problem in popular article #1 Fabricated/meaningless numbers Popular article Scientific paper
Problem in popular article #2 did not state the impact of understanding this disparity, which can potentially reduce the severity of the infection
Problem in popular article #3 Misleading comparisons Misinformation
Good aspects of popular article #1 Definition of technical terms Popular article Journal To support findings
Good aspects of popular article #2 Pointed out anomaly in results
Conclusion “You don’t really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” -Albert Einstein