COLLEGE ADMISSIONS TESTING NOTE: To change the image on this slide, select the picture and delete it. Then click the Pictures icon in the placeholder to insert your own image. An Introduction to the PSAT’s, SAT’s and ACT’s
What is the PSAT/NMSQT? Preliminary SAT National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test Only offered once per year in October Registration in the Guidance Office Evidence-Based Reading and Writing section score (160-760) Math section (160-760)
National Merit Cut-Offs: May change each year! Pennsylvania Semifinalists = 219 (Class of 2018) National High = 223 National Low = 211 Pennsylvania Commended = 211 ***Students must take the PSAT in 11th grade in order to qualify for National Merit***
What is the SAT? Offered 7 times per year, all in CR Launching new SAT test date in August 2017 Score Choice Scholastic Aptitude Test New SAT launched in March 2016 Registration online at Required by many colleges and universities as part of the admissions process
What is the format of the SAT? Total Testing Time: 3 hours and 45 minutes Components: 1. Evidence Based Reading and Writing Reading Test (65 minutes) Writing and Language Test (35 minutes) 2. Math (75 minutes) Calculator Section (55 minutes) Non-calculator Section (20 minutes) 3. Optional Essay (50 Minutes) No penalty for guessing 4 Answer choices per question
Evidence Based Reading and Writing Focus is passage based College-level non-fiction passages: Social and Natural Sciences One passage comes from a foundational global history document Interpretation of graphs, charts and tables
Writing and Language Test Command of Evidence Words in Context Analysis in SS/Science Expression of Ideas Standard English Conventions Command of Evidence-improve the way passages develop ideas Words in Context- vocabulary Expression of ideas-Organization and Impact Conventions- Punctuation, Grammar, Sentence structure, Word usage
Math Calculator Section: Heart of Algebra Linear equations Functions Inequalities Formulas provided
Math Calculator Section: Problem Solving and Data Analysis Ratios Rates Percentage Graphs Linear Growth Frequencies Probability Statistics
Math Calculator Section: Passport to Advanced Math Analyze, interpret and rewrite expressions Exponents, integers, radicals Polynomials, quadratic equations Functions and graphs
Math: Non-Calculator Section
Math Section: Grid-In Questions 22% of the Math section Student produced response Fractions must be reduced Mixed numbers are converted to fractions
SAT Essay Prompt Optional section Passage based (650-750 words) Prompt: Explain how an author builds an argument to persuade an audience Adapted from Paul Bogard, “Let There Be Dark.” ©2012 by Los Angeles Times. Originally published December 21, 2012. As you read the passage below, consider how Paul Bogard uses evidence, such as facts or examples, to support claims. reasoning to develop ideas and to connect claims and evidence. stylistic or persuasive elements, such as word choice or appeals to emotion, to add power to the ideas expressed.
Scoring the SAT Composite Score out of 1600 200-800 for each of the 2 areas Optional essay is scored separately Each essay scored by two readers on Reading, Writing and Analysis Score for each category ranges from 2-8 College Ready Benchmarks available
What is the SAT Subject Test? College admission exams on specific subjects, including English, Math, History, Science and Foreign Language 1 hour each Scored on a 200-800 scale Can take 1-3 Subject Tests on any Test Date Cannot take a Subject Test the same day as the SAT Reasoning Test
SAT Subject Tests Science: Biology E/M, Chemistry, Physics English: Literature Math Levels I and II History: United States History, World History Languages: Reading only- French, Spanish, Italian, Modern Hebrew, Latin Languages: With Listening- French, Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (NOV)
What is the ACT? American College Test Components: ACT EnglishTest- 45 minutes ACT Math Test- 60 minutes ACT Reading Test- 35 minutes ACT Science Test- 35 minutes ACT Writing Test- 40 minutes (optional) No Penalty for Guessing Score Choice American College Test Registration at Offered 6 times per year, some in CR Total Testing Time: 3 hours 40 minutes
ACT English Test Measures Conventions of standard English, Production of Writing, and Knowledge of Language Based on 5 different essays followed by multiple choice questions Conventions- punctuation, usage, sentence structure Production of Writing- Topic development, organization, unity, cohesion Knowledge of LanguageWord choice, style, tone
ACT Math Test Calculators allowed Topics include Preparing for Higher Math, Integrating Essential Skills and Modeling Preparing for higher math- algebra, geometry, statistics and probability Integrating Essential Skills- Proportions, area, surface area, volume
ACT Reading Test Measure of reading comprehension 4 passages, including one long prose passage, and one including two passages 3 Categories: Key Ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
ACT Science Test Measures the interpretation, evaluation, analysis, reasoning and problem solving skills required in the natural sciences Calculators not allowed
ACT Writing Test Optional test will not affect your scores on the other four tests or your composite score Scored on Ideas and Analysis, Development and Support, Organization, Language Use and Conventions
How does my student prep for the SAT?
How does my student prep for the ACT?
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Test-Optional Colleges and Universities 925 accredited colleges that are test optional
Testing Timeline: 10th grade to 11th grade Spring 10th grade AP Exams (early May) English 10 Keystone (mid-May) for all 10th graders Biology and Algebra 1 Keystone (mid-May) SAT Subject Tests (June) 11th grade PSAT (mid-October) SAT/ACT (junior year) AP Exams (early May) SAT Subject Tests (June) SAT ACT August September October November December February March April May June
2017-2018 SAT and ACT Dates and Registration Deadlines SAT Dates and Deadlines: Register at ACT Dates and Deadlines: Register at **ACT offered at CR North ***ACT offered at CR South Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline August 26, 2017 July 28, 2017 August 15, 2017 October 7, 2017 September 8, 2017 September 27. 2017 November 4, 2017 October 5, 2017 October 25, 2017 December 2, 2017 November 2, 2017 November 21, 2017 March 10, 2018* February 9, 2018 February 28, 2018 May 5, 2018 April 6, 2018 April 25, 2018 June 2, 2018 May 3, 2018 May 23, 2018 *SAT Subject tests not offered on this date Test Date Registration Deadline Late Registration Deadline September 9, 2017** August 4, 2017 August 5-18, 2017 October 28, 2017 September 22, 2017 September 23-October 6, 2017 December 9, 2017** November 3, 2017 November 4-17, 2017 February 10, 2018*** January 12, 2018 January 13-19, 2018 April 14, 2018** March 9, 2018 March 10-23, 2018 June 9, 2018 May 4, 2018 May 5-18, 2018 July 14, 2018 June 15, 2018 June 16-22, 2018