MioctPresenter and CtpmonPresenter Monitoring Software for the ATLAS L1 Trigger Timothy Olson European Organization for Nuclear Research University of Michigan Aug 10, 2010
Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Structure Ring-shaped tunnel with circumference: 27 km (17mi) Accelerates particles in two beams Design p energy: 7 TeV/proton (speed = 0.999999991c) Design Pb energy: 574 TeV/nucleus Four collision points Collisions convert energy into matter which the experiments study “Beam” split into “Bunches” 25ns spacing 3564 possible bunch locations in each beam
ATLAS Detector Designed to explore a variety of physics from p-p collisions More collisions occur than can be recorded 1,000,000,000/s -> 200/s 3 level trigger system Complex subsystems and triggers require constant monitoring
Muon Sectors (Forward, Endcap, Barrel) Muon detectors Many interesting processes expected to produce muons W boson decay Theoretical Higgs decay RPC’s and TGC’s ideal for triggering Fast response Moderate spatial resolution MDT’s and CSC’s used for offline analysis Slow Accurate and precise Muon Sectors (Forward, Endcap, Barrel) TGC and CSC MDT and RPC
L1 Trigger and MioctPresenter Level 1 (L1) Central Trigger Processor (CTP) Handles input from several subsystems MUCTPI (Muon CTP Interface) L1 Calo MBTS, etc. Decides whether to issue L1 Accept MUCTPI Processes input from RPC and TGC triggers Posts monitoring data to ATLAS server in histogram format MioctPresenter Retrieves and analyzes MUCTPI data Presents information in graphical format Summer project: Upgrade existing presenter with new features
Improved Code Readability Two new objects for data storage DataManager stores regional BCID data and SlotData objects SlotData stores information for individual slots DataManager controls all data storage/retrieval Histograms retrieved only once per update MainWindow queries manager for display information All data is accessed by switch statements and constant “keys”
Modified GUI New color scheme (source: http://colorschemedesigner.com/, 42°) More live control over some display parameters New options Save, help, and OLD settings Many new accelerators Refresh, save, change font size
MioctPresenter – New Viewer Double values and accelerators Flipped A side wheel Optimized status check
MioctPresenter – New Slot Display Hide disabled menu Choose rate or total Fixed status checking
MioctPresenter – New Slot Display Show menu when enabled Choose rate or total New histogram Fixed status checking
MioctPresenter – New Timing Display Lots of information hidden in these plots
MioctPresenter – New Timing Display Timing analysis (brand new!) Analyzes regional rate histograms Queries ATLAS server for bunch pattern (can also read from file) Paired, Unpaired Beam 1 or 2, or Empty Shows region and sector timing information Automatically notes “Anomalous Sectors” (peak signal not at expected BCID or wider than expected)
MioctPresenter – New Timing Display Show only expected BCIDs +/- N bins
MioctPresenter – New Timing Display Close up on region Region timing (ideally 0) Measure of peak width (ideally close to 0) Sector Timing Offset (ideally all 0)
MioctPresenter – New Timing Display Peaks offset by 1-2 bunches This sector is anomalous Very broad (flat) peaks
MioctPresenter – New Table Displays all extracted data plus timing analysis results Choose to display rate data or total muon data
MioctPresenter – New Status Page
CtpmonPresenter (brand new!) CTPMON provides 160 L1-trigger related histograms Other detector triggers/thresholds Trigger rate data is available, but not automatically extracted CtpmonPresenter Features: User can include/exclude histograms during execution Summary table of histogram statistics Display up to six histograms, optionally with timing analysis Backplane CTPMON MUCTPI (MioctPresenter) CTPCORE L1 Accept L1 Calo L2 OH MBTS BPTX, etc…
CtpmonPresenter – Summary Tab
CtpmonPresenter – Histograms Tab
CtpmonPresenter – Histograms Tab
Summary MioctPresenter CtpmonPresenter (New!) Visual display of sector occupancy Slot and region specific histograms Timing analysis of each sector (New!) Data available in tabular format CtpmonPresenter (New!) User selected histograms retrieved from server (default: “PTC:*”) Displays histogram statistics table Draw up to six of the retrieved histograms with optional timing analysis
Acknowledgements Questions? Mark Stockton (Supervisor) Thilo Pauly ATLAS Control Room Admins CERN Summer Student Program University of Michigan National Science Foundation Questions?
Particle Physics Standard Model One of the most successful theories to date Describes an enormous range of phenomena with a small set of particles and forces Strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces Three “generations” of particles Predictions have been measured to very high precision Also predicts existence of Higgs boson which has yet to be observed
MioctPresenter – Original Viewer
MioctPresenter – Original Histograms
MioctPresenter – Original Histograms
MioctPresenter – Original Table
MioctPresenter – Original Statuses
MioctPresenter New Design GUI Changes Improved code readability by separating into new objects Added option to ignore histograms which ceased updating Added algorithm to generate timing information Added fifth tab to display all timing data (including previous regional BCID plots)
New Display Features Five tabs Display sector occupancy rates on detector diagram Display retrieved slot histograms (additional options) Display new timing analysis histograms Format histogram data into table (additional options) Display IS server and histogram statuses (modified format)