The Work programme 2014-2015.


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Presentation transcript:

The Work programme 2014-2015

Draft list of negative priorities for 2014 "Rationalisation of sub-regional information (in particular in the area of urban statistics) The work on rationalisation of sub regional data could be continued in different strands: increasing visibility by the use of graphical tools, developing concepts for classifications and definitions of specific geographical areas; and restriction to information based on adequate statistical methodologies."

Eurostat's Annual Work Programme Description: Urban Statistics: Urban Statistics (Urban Audit) covers a range of statistical indicators for European cities. The data collection covers a smaller set of indicators on an annual basis and a larger one on a multi-annual basis" Output: Urban Statistics available to policy DGs and general public

Objectives in city statistics Exploring the national methodologies and data sources Guidelines for the data collections: compatible with the legal frameworks and consistency with European statistics Supporting NSIs Collecting data

Tasks and deliverables Task 1: Screening of variables Task 2: Methodological and quality assessment Task 3: Compilation of variables for the reference year 2013 Task 4: Report on the degree of progress and difficulties encountered. Task 5: Compilation of variables for the reference year 2014

Scope city, larger urban zone, greater city and national level Reference year 2013 and 2014 Short list of variables

Approximate timetable and budget Call for proposal – summer 2013 (min. EUR 25 000) The action will last for estimated 24 months The action should start in the second quarter of 2014 The estimated budget of the Commission is EUR 1 000 000

Thank you for your attention!