Find your membership category and join our network of experts Trainee member Are you: a doctor in specialty training (CIT, HST, MM, MV, ID or joint training) based in the UK or RoI An experienced clinical scientist registered on a Higher Specialist Scientist Training (HSST) programme Join as a Trainee member free of charge Transfer to Full membership 6 months post CCT Full member Are you a: Consultant microbiologist PhD Clinical scientist PhD or FRCPath qualified or have a significant level of experience working in IPC Join as a Full member from £50 Emeritus members Are you retired and have been a full member for a least 5 continuous years? Contact the membership team to transfer to this category Associate member Are you an: IPC nurse/member of an IPC team Biomedical scientist* Pharmacist* Health economist* Theatre technician* PhD student (not medically qualified)* DIPC who is not medically or nursing qualified* or work in engineering/cleaning* departments *must demonstrate commitment to IPC Join as an Associate member from £50 Transfer to Full membership after 5 years continuous HIS membership and with significant experience in IPC Honorary member Awarded to individuals who have demonstrated a significant contribution to IPC and the Society