Presented by : Bhavesh P. Thakkar (Managing Director) ANJNEY TUBES INDIA Presented by : Bhavesh P. Thakkar (Managing Director)
About Us Manufacture of quality Polymer Pipes, Pipe Fittings and Ball Valves since 1995. First manufacturer of polymer Pipes & fittings in India to be accredited as an ISO 9001:2000 Company by BVQI Core-Competence of Company 15 years of practical knowledge Quality consciousness Use of latest technologies Hard Working & Committed employees We continuously make efforts to enhance our product & service, to delivery value for money to our customer
What is HDPE ? High-density polyethylene (HDPE) or polyethylene high-density (PEHD) Polyethylene thermoplastic made from petroleum Stronger intermolecular forces and tensile strength than lower-density polyethylene Harder and more opaque and can withstand somewhat higher temperatures (120 °C/ 248 °F for short periods, 110 °C /230 °F continuously) contains the chemical elements carbon and hydrogen
Exceptional Features Corrosion free - Being a polymer product nil chance of Corrosion But-welded highly Leak proof welded joints Highest durability – Long service life at very low maintenance costs Wide PE product range – Pressure rating 4 to 16 bars and pipe dia 20 to 2000 mm Energy saving – Smooth bore throughout life – Lowest Frictional Loss Best whole-life-cost vs. Iron and GRP – Even for large diameter mains Established International standard – ISO 4427 – PE for Water Pipe applications Suitable for renovation of existing old pipe networks – Using “No-dig” techniques
Specifications Material - High-density Polyethylene (HDPE) Colour - Black Standard -IS 4984/1995 for HDPE Pipes IS 8008/1976 for HDPE Fittings Temperature - 10o C to 65o C Working - For Pipes 20 kgs/Cm2 Pressure - For Fittings 20 Kgs/Cm2
Product (Fabricated Fittings)
Installation Procedure Fussion Welded Joints Result
Technical Comparison
Technical Comparison (Cont.)
Applications Domestic Application (Residential Flats/Bungalows, Hotels, Resorts, Malls, Commercial complex, Hospitals, Airports, Railways, Schools etc.) Portable Water Supply Piping with Submersible pumps, Jet pumps & Centrifugal pumps. Drainage Pipeline
Applications Industrial Applications (Chemical - dyes, Pharmaceutical, Sugar, Milk, Edible Oil, Glucose, Drug, Textile, Paper & Pulp, Petrochemicals, Cement etc Industries) Transportation of highly corrosive chemicals, acids, caustic, alkalies etc. Transmission of Milk, Edible Oil, Juices & other food products. Several Mines applications such as Slurry transportation, Sand Stowing etc. Raw (or) Waster Water distribution. Cooling & Chilled Water Pipeline. Pipelines for Cables Compressed.
Applications Effluent Treatment Plant – ETP / CETP - Chemical Environmental, water & wastewater application Effluent Treatment Plant – ETP / CETP - Chemical Waste Water Treatment Plant – WTP / STP - Sewage Drainage Pipeline or Maintenance / Establishing Sewers. Pipeline for Dams & Canals. Hard Rock Mining, De-watering & Coal Slurry disposal / processing in Mines. Cooling & Chilled Water Line Sea water Desalination Air Pollution control application
Other Product “ANJNEY” offers PPRC Pipe Fittings as per DIN Std. PP Pipe Fittings as per IS Std. PPH Pipe Fittings as per DIN Std. PPCH Pipe Fittings as per DIN Std.