D. Y. Patil Collage of Engg & Tech. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER plant Presented by Akshaykumar c. khapane akshaykhapane@gmail.com D. Y. Patil Collage of Engg & Tech. SE - PRODUCTION
INDEX Introduction History Types Principle Simple view Block diagram Different dam Advantage & disadvantage References akshaykhapane@gmail.com
INTRODUCTION HYDRO POWER akshaykhapane@gmail.com 1) One of the most widely used renewable source of energy for generating electricity on large scale basis is hydropower 2) The power obtained from river or ocean water is called as hydropower 3) Hydropower is the renewable source of energy since water is available in large quantities from rain, rivers, and oceans and this is will be available for unlimited time to come akshaykhapane@gmail.com
HISTORY akshaykhapane@gmail.com - In the 1700's, hydropower was broadly used for milling of lumber and grain and for pumping irrigation water - Appleton, Wisconsin became the first operational hydroelectric generating station in the United States, in 1882, producing 12.5 kilowatts (kW) of power - The total electrical capacity generated was equivalent to 250 lights - Still in use today, Niagra Falls was the first hydropower site developed for a vast quantity of electricity - The largest and last masonry dam built by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation was the Roosevelt Dam in Arizona between 1905-1911; its power output has increased from 4,500 kW to 36,000 kW akshaykhapane@gmail.com
TYPES OF HYDRO POWER PLANT 1) Water wheels 2) Hydro power plants 3) Wave energy from oceans 4) Tidal energy 5) Damless hydro power Based on Quantity of Water Available 1) Run-off river hydro plants with pond 2) Run-off river hydro plants with pond 3) Reservoir hydroelectric power plants akshaykhapane@gmail.com
Based on the Nature of Load Based on the Head of Water Available 1) Low head hydroelectric power plants 2)Medium head hydroelectric power plants 3) High head hydroelectric power plants Based on the Nature of Load 1) Base load hydroelectric power plants 2) Peak load hydroelectric power plants akshaykhapane@gmail.com
CHAPTER 2 PRINCIPLE OF HYDRO POWER PLANT WATER CYCLE The continuous cycle in which water changes from water vapor in the atmosphere to liquid water through condensation and precipitation and then back to water vapor through evaporation, transpiration, and respiration VAPORATION PRECIPITION RAIN Water energies: Kinetic energy , Potential energy PROCESS / STAGES 1) Water in reservoir 2) Fall in turbine blade 3) Shaft rotation 4) Electric generation 5) Flow back of water Water cycle in the hydraulic power plant akshaykhapane@gmail.com
A SIMPLE OVER VIEW akshaykhapane@gmail.com
Storage dams akshaykhapane@gmail.com To impound water used for Irrigation Flood control Power generation akshaykhapane@gmail.com
COMPONENT AND WORKING OF HYDRO POWER PLANT 1) Dam What is dam Location Classification of dams Storage dams Dam structure and design Diversion dams Detention dams Overflow dams Rockfill dams Gravity dams Gravity dam akshaykhapane@gmail.com
DAM akshaykhapane@gmail.com The movement of water can be used to make electricity. Energy from water is created by the force of water moving from a higher elevation to a lower elevation through a large pipe (penstock). When the water reaches the end of the pipe, it hits and spins a water wheel or turbine. The turbine rotates the connected shaft, which then turns the generator, making electricity. akshaykhapane@gmail.com
TYPES F DAMS ON THE HEAD LEVEL Low head hydroelectric power plants (>30 m) Medium head hydroelectric power plants ( 30 m to 300 m) High head hydroelectric power plants (more than 300 m , up to 1000m ) akshaykhapane@gmail.com
2) Water reservoir akshaykhapane@gmail.com 3) Intake or control gates Height of water Place behind the dam 2) Water reservoir Potential energy 3) Intake or control gates Gates inside of the dam. Inlet gates 4) The penstock To carries the water Controlled by the control gates 5) Water turbines Convert HYDROLIC energy to MECHANICAL energy 6) Generators akshaykhapane@gmail.com Convert MECHANICAL energy in ELECTRICAL energy
akshaykhapane@gmail.com 7) Transformer 8) Tailrace Two coils: the supply coil and the outlet coil. 7) Transformer Converts the alternating current to high voltage current. Voltage required for various applications is 110V or 230V. Numbers of turns in outlet coil are double of supply coil, the voltage produced is also double. 8) Tailrace Pipeline to drain the water The potential energy of water in the tailrace has been used to generate electricity akshaykhapane@gmail.com
INTAKE A water intake must be able to divert the required amount of water in to a power canal or into a penstock without producing a negative impact on the local environment. akshaykhapane@gmail.com
PENSTOCK conveying water from the intake to the power house. Of concrete in low heads Of steel iis suitable for all heads akshaykhapane@gmail.com
TRASH RACK cleaning machine, which removes debris from water In order to save water ways and electromechanical equipment from any damage. Set steel bars on edge to the flow of water and space about 1“ apart A head gate or valve should be installed below the trash rack to control flow and to allow the turbine to be inspected and repaired. akshaykhapane@gmail.com
CASE STUDY OF “HIRAKUND DAM” Built across the Mahanadi river about 15 km from Sambalpur in the state of Orissa in India. Built in 1956 Length is about (26 km) It was the first major multipurpose river valley project started after India's independence. SALIENT FEATURES (A) HYDROLOGICAL :- (a) Catchment - 83400 Sq. Kms (32200 sq miles) (b) Rain fall(mm) - Original Revised HISTORY Top dam level R.L 195.680M. (R.L.642 ft.) Dead storage level R.L 197.830 M (R.L 590 Ft) N: Installed Capicity = 307.50 MW akshaykhapane@gmail.com
Different dam akshaykhapane@gmail.com
Aldeadávila Dam (in Spain) akshaykhapane@gmail.com
Guri Dam (in Venezuela) akshaykhapane@gmail.com
Hoover Dam (between the U.S. States of Arizona and Nevada) akshaykhapane@gmail.com
ADVANTAGES & DISADVANTAGES OF HYDRO POWER PLANT Advantages 1) No fuel required 2) Cost of electricity is constant 3) No air-pollution is created 4) Long life 5) Cost of generation of electricity 6) Can easily work during high peak daily loads 7) Irrigation of farms 8) Water sports and gardens 9) Prevents floods akshaykhapane@gmail.com
DISADVANTAGES akshaykhapane@gmail.com 1) Disrupts the aquatic ecosystems 2) Disruption in the surrounding areas 3) Requires large areas 4) Large scale human displacement 5) Very high capital cost or investment 6) High quality construction 7) Site specific 8) Effects on environment 9) Safety of the dams akshaykhapane@gmail.com
Thank you! akshaykhapane@gmail.com akshaykhapane@gmail.com