at Sanders Corner Elementary School
Welcome! Introductions by Mr. Jacques
Kindergarten Philosophy Kindergarten is the start of an exciting learning journey. Our kindergarten classrooms provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for all children.
What do you think a rising Kindergartener should be able to do? THINK, PAIR, SHARE ACTIVITY What do you think a rising Kindergartener should be able to do?
Children are active learners. They learn best when allowed multiple A Day in Kindergarten Children are active learners. They learn best when allowed multiple opportunities to play, create, investigate, explore, predict and learn from one another and their environment.
Arrival to School Arrival time – 7:35 – 7:50 a.m. (students are marked tardy after 7:50) Teachers/Safety Patrols in Halls Students walk independently to classroom
Dismissal from School Dismissal time – 2:35 p.m. Neighborhood Bus Parent Pick-Up – Car Loop line Daycare Riders – wait in gym to be called for Daycare van
A Typical Day in Kindergarten Morning: Morning Activity Morning Meeting/Calendar Pathways/Literacy Activities Lunch/Recess Afternoon: Math Centers Social Studies and Science Units Library/Computers/Classroom Counseling/Search, Art, Music, P.E.
Pathways Reading and Writing Instruction Shared Reading Read Aloud Independent Reading Guided Reading Word Study Writing Workshop
Math In Kindergarten UNITS TAUGHT BASICS of the Curriculum Geometry/Shapes Patterns Counting/Number Writing & Number Sense Graphing Time Measurement Addition Subtraction Money Fractions Whole group lesson Hands on Centers Deeper understanding of a concept (problem solving)
Science and Social Studies Content Units Concepts for Science Magnets Plants Shadows Life Cycles Seasons Science Investigations Concepts for Social Studies Rules/Citizenship Geography Important People in History Community Helpers/Economics
Things Your Child Should Be Able To Do Before Kindergarten
ABC and 123 Practice Know the letters in your name. Read it and Write it! Look for and recognize letters everyday. Have experience coloring, gluing, writing, cutting, drawing Write the ABC’s and Numbers to 10 Make it Fun! Use sidewalk chalk, magnetic letters, crayons, markers, shaving cream, dry erase boards
READ!!!! Read with your child daily. Model how to hold a book and turn through the pages. Take a picture walk by discussing the pictures. Encourage your child to find and identify alphabet letters in the words.
Meet Miss Wilson Your child’s School Counselor A School Counselor is a vital member of your child’s education team I help support students in areas of: academic achievement, personal/social development, and career development I teach whole classroom lessons on topics like: social thinking, diversity, friendship skills, emotion regulation, self control, careers, bullying, and more. I provide small group counseling I provide brief individual 1:1 counseling I collaborate with teachers & parents
Social Thinking The process through which we think about people and their thoughts, intentions, point of view, and emotions.
Follow directions from a familiar adult
Separates from parents/guardians without tears
Respect other’s personal space and keep hands and feet to self
Sit still and maintain focus (whole body listening)
Express needs and wants verbally
Be fully toilet trained
THANK YOU FOR COMING THIS MORNING. We look forward to next year THANK YOU FOR COMING THIS MORNING! We look forward to next year!!! Questions?