About Sangamam School Sangamam School has been running very successfully during the year 2017-18with the help and support of ASHA for Education, U.S.A. and other likeminded supporters of Amar Seva Sangam. Sangamam literally means integration / meeting. In this school meant for Special children in the age group of 6 to 18, we try to prepare them to get integrated with the society at large gradually to the extent possible in each case. In September 15, 1997 a day care center was started with just 9 children and 2 teachers. With your generous and kind support our school is expanding its activities. From 1997 to 2018 we had enrolled 240 children with special needs out of which 53 have been successfully mainstreamed.
PRIMARY - I - LEVEL No of Students : 17 Age group : 6-10 yrs Aim: Focused on Activities of Daily Livings skills (ADL) for high support need children. Identification of objects and basic language skill Objectives: If they are trained in these areas there would be improvement in their cognitive domain. Identifying body parts by verbal prompting. Identifying the objects by both physical and verbal prompts. Almost all children fully dependent in ADLs. Children are doing better in Group game. Reading, Writing, Number concept through play - way method
PRIMARY II No of Students : 11 Age group :10 – 14 yrs Aim: Focused on grooming skills, concepts like color, shape, number, time, other language skills Objectives: If they learn the following skills, they would improve their skills in communication Training is given on to identify their names. Coaching on number identification and counting. Hyper activity is reduced based on sensory diet (by advice of Occupational therapist) children are participating in Extra-curricular activities like Yoga, Sports etc.,
FUNCTIONAL ACADEMICS No of students : 9 Age group :6 – 12 yrs Aim: To prepare the mild Mentally Retarded children for mainstream education Objectives: Focused on Primary level subjects Providing basic Reading, Writing, arithmetic. Word identification, matching, concept level teaching given attention Students are also participating in yoga, music, games, sports etc., We are teaching basic alphabets through computer.
SECONDARY Aim: To prepare the students for Pre – Vocational level No of students : 10 Age Group : 13- 17yrs Aim: To prepare the students for Pre – Vocational level Objectives: Focused on basic concepts and domestic activities By teaching reading & writing students will learn to write their names and residential address. Training in concepts like color, time, money, shapes. Motivation given in domestic activities and gardening. Students are also participating in yoga, music, games, sports etc., Students are engaged in group game activity like carom board, throw ball, basket ball and running
Aim: To make them realize what is happening around them. AUTISM No of Student : 10 Age group :6 – 15 yrs Aim: To make them realize what is happening around them. Objectives: Focused on sensory integration and behavior modification Focus given on ADLS, Socialization, Vocabulary enrichment Sensory integration activities for students who have problems in areas like visual, auditory, tactile, Olfactory, etc., To improve their cognition, attention, eye-hand co-ordination LEGO Block being used . Maximum we use play - way method Outdoor teaching is encouraged most of the time Students are also participating in yoga, music, games, sports etc.,
Aim: To acquire basic Pre vocational skills and life skills. No of student : 12 Age Group : 14 – 18yrs Aim: To acquire basic Pre vocational skills and life skills. Objectives: Focus is on basic vocational skills and to mingle with the community Training is given in basic concepts in color, shape, number, money, time Attention given to basic arithmetic and communication skills Training given in jewel making, cover making, gardening etc., Participating in sports activities like throw ball, carom board in group (game). yoga, music, games, sports etc.,
INCLUSIVE EDUCATION No of students: 24 Age : 10 to 18 yrs Aim: To improve the children in social and communication skills. Objectives: Focus is to achieve basic academics skills and to include with their peer groups. Every year students are writing grade level assessment test to get included in general school. Our students are getting peer group tutoring, improvement in socialization and communicative skills. Students are also participating in music, games, sports, yoga, dance etc., Lessons are taught using projectors.
ASHA DONATION FOR SANGAMAM SANGAMAM SCHOOL FOR SPECIAL CHILDREN Year wise donation amount from ASHA FOUNDATION Sl. No Year Donation amount in INR Address 1 12-Feb-05 149,483 M/s.Asha for Education, C/O.GRADUATE ASSEMBLY, ANTONY HALL UC BERKELEY, Wa 98073 - 2407. 2 4-Jun-09 150,375 3 3-Sep-10 116,063 4 6-Jun-11 2,636 5 21-Jun-12 152,414 6 31-May-13 239,000 7 2-Jun-14 250,000 8 30-May-14 1,245,000 9 18-Aug-15 1,320,000 10 22-Aug-16 1,452,000 11 9-Sep-17 1,600,000 12 12-Dec-17 3,425,000 10,101,970
Sangamam School for SPL Children 2017– 2018 S.NO Account Head Budget 2017-18 Actuals 2017-18 Budget 2018-19 1 Salary to SSSC 24,00,000.00 24,50,330.00 25,50,000.00 2 Administration to SSSC 1,50,000.00 66,298.00 80.359.00 3 SSSC Medical Expense 11,000.00 6,630.00 8,752.00 4 SSSC Children Training Expense 1,90,000.00 1,07,490.00 1,09,765.00 5 SSSC Uniform 75,000.00 56,537.00 74,630.00 6 SSSC Van pickup 4,50,000.00 4,73,915.50 5,60,691.00 7 SSSC Electricity 25,000.00 17,700.00 22,626.00 8 SSSC Appliances & Aids 5,000.00 6,910.00 8,727.00 9 SSSC Food Exps 2,70,000.00 2,20,980.00 2,61,763.00 10 SSSC Milk Exps 20,000.00 11,200.00 13.264.00 Total 36,46,000.00 34,17,990.50 36,90,577.00