JBES 18-19
Gains in 3 of 4 Areas 8% jump in All math 14% jump in 3rd grade Math
Closing Gaps!!
What did Math look Like?
How do we improve?
I.C.U. Building specific relationships with students who have barriers to their education is step one. We will assign adults to check-in with identified students. The identification will be Attendance, Behavior, and Academic based.
For ELA we will increase our score 21%. From 18% to 39% by the end of 2019 school year. We will obtain this by: Collaborative Conferences (Ladder on the right wall) Book studies/PD/Coaching (Guided Reading) Read 2 Be Ready training Crayola/4C’s Book Buddies (Community Partnerships) R.T.I. Family Engagement Nights
For our Math goal we will increase 9. 2% from 32 For our Math goal we will increase 9.2% from 32.8% to 42% by the end of the 2019 school year. We will obtain this by: Collaborative Conferences (Ladder on the right wall) Math RTI PD/Coaching (Mandy Cone) Crayola/4C’s
Q5.1 Managing student behavior E. School Administrators support teachers’ efforts to maintain discipline in the classroom. We will raise our percentage from 66.7% to 80% by 5/21/19. We will achieve this by communication of behavior expectations and our new digital tracking system through Google. Information will also be discussed and shared at faculty meetings. We also are going to have planned book studies and help define how behavior is impacted by all stakeholders. We also will be accessing community resources to support our RTIB school wide plan
Q6.2 Teacher Leadership d. Determining the content of in-service professional development programs We will raise our percentage from 54.17% to 80% by 5/21/19. We will accomplish this by surveys to staff on needs throughout the year. We will reflect training according to our root cause analysis and data for students performances. We will work with county math consultant and she will be invited to participate in our weekly collaborative conferences. I will also meet with my school academic facilitator to discuss needs gathered from observations and collabortive conferences.
Q7.1 School leadership New Teacher support We will raise our percentage from 69.2% to 85% by 5/21/19. We will accomplish this by our multi leveled support system for the teachers. There are levels of support offered grade level and school wide. We will use book studies to reinforce the strategies for student success.
Students, Teachers, Parents and Community This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA