A randomized, controlled trial of a low-dose contraceptive containing 20 μg of ethinyl estradiol and 100 μg of levonorgestrel for acne treatment Diane Thiboutot, M.D., David F Archer, M.D., André Lemay, M.D., Ph.D., Ken Washenik, M.D., Ph.D., Janet Roberts, M.D., Diane D Harrison, M.D. Fertility and Sterility Volume 76, Issue 3, Pages 461-468 (September 2001) DOI: 10.1016/S0015-0282(01)01938-0
Figure 1 Mean changes from baseline in (A) total, (B) inflammatory, and (C) noninflammatory lesion counts during treatment with levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol (♦) or placebo (□) for six cycles (efficacy population). ∗Significantly different from placebo (P<.05). Thiboutot. A 20-μg OC for moderate acne treatment. Fertil Steril 2001. Fertility and Sterility 2001 76, 461-468DOI: (10.1016/S0015-0282(01)01938-0)
Figure 2 Clinician global assessment (CGA) of patient complexion during treatment with levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol (♦) or placebo (□) in the efficacy population. Clinicians rated significantly more patients as clear/almost clear in the levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol group than in the placebo group. ∗Significantly different from placebo (P<.05). Thiboutot. A 20-μg OC for moderate acne treatment. Fertil Steril 2001. Fertility and Sterility 2001 76, 461-468DOI: (10.1016/S0015-0282(01)01938-0)
Figure 3 Mean changes from baseline in weight with levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol (▩) and placebo (□). No significant differences in weight were observed between levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol treatment and placebo (at cycle 6, P=.50). Thiboutot. A 20-μg OC for moderate acne treatment. Fertil Steril 2001. Fertility and Sterility 2001 76, 461-468DOI: (10.1016/S0015-0282(01)01938-0)