The Sign of the Deathly Hallows The Elder Wand The Resurrection Stone The Cloak of Invisibility
Can you translate the following words? Elder Hallow Twilight Treacherous Wand Cheated Cunning Evade Fashioned Humiliate Humble Reluctantly Brag Untimely mortal
Hallow helig Humiliate förnedra Elder fläder Humble ödmjuk Twilight skymning Reluctantly ovilligt Treacherous opålitlig, svekful Brag skryta Wand trollstav Untimely för tidig Cheated bedragen Mortal dödlig Cunning slug Evade undvika Fashioned tillverkade
Retell the story of the Deathly Hallows. What importance does the Deathly Hallows have for Harry Potter and his friends?