VDL Mode 4 Cosite Investigations ACP WG-M 9th Meeting, Agenda item 3 Montreal, October 2004
Cosite Investigations Plan Developed with the contribution of several parties at a meeting hosted by EUROCONTROL Identifies the required activities to complete the investigations Lays out a strategy for the test cases to be investigated EUROCONTROL hosted a meeting on the 12th of March 2004 to discuss the next steps in the cosite investigations for VDL Mode 4. A draft investigations plan was discussed and agreed among the participants including Avtech, EUROCONTROL, LFV, OTE, and Rockwell-Collins. Following the Cosite Investigations meeting, the Cosite Investigations Plan has been updated. The current version of the plan including the 12th March meeting report is provided in Attachment 1 for information. COMT31 13-14/10/04
EUROCONTROL Work Plan Cosite Investigations work organised in three phases Phase 1: development of cosite interference testing scenarios and detailed testing plans (focus of current work); Phase 2: actual testing using the scenarios and tests defined in Phase 1; Phase 3: evaluation of test results Following the investigations plan agreed in the meeting, EUROCONTROL is scheduling the cosite investigations in three phases. In the first phase, EUROCONTROL will be issuing shortly a Call for Tender under the EATM Framework Contract (TRS) to get external assistance in developing the cosite interference testing scenarios and the detailed testing plans. The detailed plans will be on a per system basis and the priority will be given to the investigations in relation to voice DSB-AM. Impact to and from other systems will be considered as required. In the second phase, testing will be done using the testing plans of the first phase. In the final phase, the results will be evaluated and a report will be prepared detailing the outcome of the investigations in relation to the cosite investigations. COMT31 13-14/10/04
Scheduling of work Q4 2004 Q2 2005 Q3/Q4 2005 Completion of Phase 1 Initiation of test campaign (Phase 2) Q2 2005 Completion of Phase 2 Q3/Q4 2005 Completion of Phase 3 SCHEDULING The target is to have the first two phases especially in relation to voice DSB-AM completed by the end of 2004. It should be noted that the completion of the Phases 1 and 2 requires external assistance and therefore the finishing timeframe is indicative. CURRENT STATUS Mention the work that is being done with ISA on the identification of scenarios for the testing plans at a very generic level. The details come in the second part of the presentation by Bertrand. COMT31 13-14/10/04
Other related activities voice transmissions profile statistical analysis considering both ATC & AOC current usage of VHF voice radio based on data obtained from a major European airline proposes voice usage profile as input to cosite investigations voice receptions profile preliminary analysis considering signal levels only analytical-based and derives assumptions based on current airspace regimes VOICE TRANSMISSION PROFILE an investigation onto the current usage of VHF-DSB AM voice radio by the flight crew during all phases of flight. Data obtianed from the QAR recorder of a selection of aircraft types of a European airline. Provides input that will be used directly in the phase 1 work for specifying test cases for DSB-AM vs VDL4. VOICE RECEPTION PROFILE complements the information obtained from the voice transission profile analysis and provides information to be used in relation to the receptions. The use of real data for the analysis of the receptions is not straightforward and therefore this paper provides an analytical only investigation on the subject. COMT31 13-14/10/04
Current Work: Phase 1 Current Status development of detailed testing scenarios and testing plans Contract with ISA Telecoms to carry out Phase 1 Details will be presented by ISA TELECOMS Hand over to BD for the second part of the presentation – focus of current work COMT31 13-14/10/04