Three models of Power: Pluralist Power-Elite Ruling-Class Political Inequality Three models of Power: Pluralist Power-Elite Ruling-Class
Pluralist Model 1) Group compete over power, but no domination. Basic Assumptions: 1) Group compete over power, but no domination. 2) Groups’ powers originate in their specialized interests 3) Different groups are relatively autonomous 4) Americans can gain influence through their participation in one of these groups 5) There is no single, permanent power structure that exits Example: conservative and feminist groups
In the 1980s, anti-porn feminists like Catherine McKinnon and Andrea Dworkin teamed up with anti-porn conservatives like Edwin Meese, leading to the passage of laws censoring sexual speech in the name of protecting women. Anti-prostitution feminists have joined forces with fundamentalist Christians to prosecute sex workers under the aegis of sex trafficking laws.
Critique of Pluralist Model: Assumptions 1) Groups share values and exhibit consensus on issues 2) Individuals are rational/free 3) Sharing of power helps society to function 4) All elites have the same amount of power 5) What about the role of ideology Finding: class and elite power are not equally distributed in US.
Power-Elite Model (C. Wright Mills) 1) Group of elites in core institutions dominate over a mass of unorganized workers/individuals 2) Masses—offer no resistance 3) Elites’ power is organizationally based 4) Power is centralized 5) Power structure is a product of historical changes and has become centralized into 3 institutions: economic, military, and political
Power-Elite Model Continued 6) These 3 power elites are now one power elite 7) Power derives from their occupational positions 8) Structural advantages are available to individuals because of their positions 9) Media is controlled by these elite and it contributes to the powerlessness of the masses 10) Not much connection between those at the top of the power structure and those at the bottom Main point: a sequence of historical and structural events and changes, such as the growth in major institutions, has led to the development of our current power structure
Carlyle Group
Media (Murdoch) (Sanders)
Critique of Power Elite Model 1) Vague 2) Biased 3) Definition of power is too limited 4) Conspiracy theory
Ruling-Class Assumptions: Small group of elites has power, links to economics and political influence Emphasis on the relationship between economic dominance and political influence Working class is not an ineffective mass, but can organize, therefore there is conflict between the top and the bottom There is a relationship between class background and political power There is relationship between class background & political power
Ruling-Class Continued Dominant class controls federal affairs The capitalist class are linked to the corporate-based elite comprised of wealthy individuals who have wealth/investments in corporations This class dominates the political arena
Ruling-Class Main Point: upper class is interconnected with the corporate community and there is social cohesion among members of this class which is the basis of agreement on policy directions/decisions