Hydrographical Map
River Catchment Map Vardar: 20442km 2 Strumica, Dvoriska& Lebnica: 1632km 2 Crn Drim: 3305km 2 Binacka Morava: 48km 2
Currently active monitoring stations network? HYDROLOGICAL NETWORKS -Surface Water Stations Network -Ground Water Stations Network RBD 1RBD 2RBD 3RBD 4 Names of the River Basin Districts VardarStrumicaCrn Drim Binacka Morava What is the total number of currently active streamflow stations per RBD? 2+80/526/37+15/70 What is the total number of currently active groundwater level measuring stations per RBD? Old network 77 New network 131 Active 34 Old network 25 New network 5 Active 2 Old network 13 New network 1 Active 1 0
Stations Network for Surface Water 110 Stations Vardar: 2+80 Stations 52/33 active Strumica, Dvoriska and Lebnica: 6 Stations 3/2 active Crn Drim: 7+15 Stations 7/5 active
Stations Network for Groundwater 115/137 Stations Vardar: 77/131 Stations 34 active Strumica, Dvoriska and Lebnica: 25/5 Stations 2 active Crn Drim: 13/1 Stations 1 active
Currently active monitoring stations network? METEOROLOGICAL NETWORKS -Meteorological Stations Network (M) -Climatological Stations Network (C) -Precipitation Stations Network (RG) RBD 1RBD 2RBD 3RBD 4 Names of the River Basin DistrictsVardarStrumicaCrn DrimBinacka Morava What is the total number of currently active precipitation stations per RBD? M-14 C-7 RG-93 M-1 C-1 RG-12 M-4 C-4 RG-11 M-0 C-0 RG-0
Meteorological Stations Network MMS 13+6 CS - 12 PS Vardar: MMS - 14 CS - 7 PS - 93 Strumica, D&L: MMS - 1 CS - 1 PS – 12 Crn Drim: MMS - 4 CS - 4 PS - 12
Data availability ? Components of the Water Balance as spatially aggregated data on a specific reporting unit Reporting Unit (RBD, Subunit, NUTS, Country) Length of available timeseries Areal Precipitation (P)Vardar/Macedonia Areal Precipitation (P) Strumica, D&L/Macedonia Areal Precipitation (P)Crn Drim/Macedonia Potential Evapotranspiration (PET)Macedonian/a yet Actual Evapotranspiration (ETa)Macedonian/a yet Internal Flow (D = P - ETa)Macedonian/a yet Total actual external inflow (Q i )Macedonian/a yet Total actual outflow (Qo)Macedonian/a yet Point data (individual measurements within the specific reporting unit) Length of available timeseries Streamflow (Q) at selected gauges Groundwater level (H) at selected wells General info on rain gauge stations
Collecting Data (The Base) Hydrological Stations –Staff gauges; –Observers.
Surface Water Network Stations (Additional Equipment) Hydrological Stations –Automatic devices: Limnigraphs;
New devices for measuring hydrological parameters Sonde for measuring H (cm) & T ( o C) Membranes of the sondes SONDES
New instruments for collecting and transmitting data MANTENANCE
HYDROMETRY Current meter Wading Discharge Measurements Discharge Measurement with the Boat
ADCPs are not yet available Rio Grande StreamPro Rio Grande StreamPro ?
IT infrastructure ? -List of the existing systems and applications for water quantity reporting and data/information exchange System Extent (national, regional) Purpose Technologies or software utilized Stand- ards used Num. users DataBasenational Meteorological DataBase ClidataWMOn/a DataBase and Data Management national Hydrological DataBase HydroProWMOn/a Colecting data data base national Colecting Automatic Data DemasWMOn/a Presenting data nationalPresenting data on internet IntenetmoduleWMOn/a
Digitized data availability? How much of the current water quantity dataflow is performed in electronic format? -(110/40) Stations 36% How much is still in analogue format? -70 Stations 54% - ( ) and 95% of data from period and To which degree are water quantity information flows automated? -0 o How do you plan to optimize streamline the water quantity dataflow? - Modernization of hydrological network, employing new hydrologists, training, new software,…
DEMAS System for collecting, and presenting transmitted data
HydroPro Data Base & Data Management System for storage and operation of the hydrological data LACK OF IT AND HYDROLIGST ENGINEERS
Improvement of dataflow process? In what way should the water quantity dataflow process be improved? -With employing new hydrologists for producing data and improving QA; -With Training; -With updating of our database&management system, or with buying new one; -With modernizing hydrological network with automatic stations; -With improving O&M of the stations networks; -With improving data dissemination through internet ;… How do you plan IT to support you in this? -With employment of IT Engineers -With Training; -With new software.
Publication of water quantity data? What is your national policy regarding the publication of streamflow data? PolicyDescriptionResponse open under conditions Access fully open to public under conditions such as permission or recording (password) X limited accessLimited access to data e.g. only some data are accessible, or accessible only in aggregated form X What is your national policy regarding the publication of other water quantity data? Water quantity data typePolicy Precipitation datalimited access Groundwater dataopen under conditions
HydroPro System for publishing hydrological data H (cm) Q (m 3 /s) T ( o C) S (Kg/s) - Hydrological parameters for surface water and groundwater: H (cm) T ( o C)
INTERNET MODULE for online presentation of hydrological data