NORTH CAROLINA TEACHER EVALUATION INSTRUMENT and PROCESS Standard III: Teacher Handout North Carolina Department of Public Instruction 1
Standard II: Review Teachers establish a respectful environment for a diverse population of students. Teachers provide an environment in which each child has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults. Teachers embrace diversity in the school community and in the world. Teachers treat students as individuals. Teachers adapt their teaching for the benefit of students with special needs. E. Teachers work collaboratively with the families and significant adults in the lives of their students.
Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you have something to learn, and this will mean all of your life. Henry L. Doherty
Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. Teachers align their instruction with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study: Teach the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Develop and apply strategies to make the curriculum rigorous and relevant Develop literacy skills appropriate to specialty area Share the examples from the Standard III Pre-Activity sheet.
Teachers know the content they teach. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach.
Points to Ponder about Element A: Using Literacy Strategies There is a difference between KNOWING literacy strategies and USING them effectively as tools for rigorous learning Some observed uses of these literacy tools are like watching someone use a rake to dig a hole. The point is to use the tool for its intended purpose: use a shovel to dig a hole and use “Turn and talk” to elicit specific responses: “Explain to your partner how to bisect an angle” “Tell your partner three words that you could use to describe the main character in the story.” NOT: “Turn and talk for two minutes.”
Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. B. Teachers know the content appropriate to their teaching specialty: Know subject beyond the content they teach Direct students’ curiosity into an interest in learning Share the examples from the Standard III Pre-Activity sheet.
Teachers know the content they teach. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach.
Points to Ponder about Element B Teachers should be able to design activities that enhance learning the NCSCOS goals (not just a fun activity that has no relevance to a goal). It should be obvious to those in the classroom that the teacher knows the content and can explain the content at the student’s level. Facilitating effective project-based learning demonstrates that the teacher is at the accomplished or distinguished level
Standard III: Teacher know the content they teach. Teachers recognize the interconnectedness of content areas/disciplines: Know links between grade/subject and the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Relate content to other disciplines Promote global awareness and its relevance
What is Global Awareness? Global awareness includes “Using 21st century skills to understand and address global issues.” See pages 12-16 in the North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process Manual for a detailed explanation of 21st century skills. “Learning from and working collaboratively with individuals representing diverse cultures, religions, and lifestyles in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue in personal, work, and community contexts.” “Having the ability to utilize non-English languages as a tool for understanding other nations and cultures.” Share the examples from the Standard III Pre-Activity sheet.
Teachers know the content they teach. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach.
Points to Ponder about Element C Teachers should participate in PLC’s Teachers are going to need to have productive dialogue on how to implement the 21st Century Skills and Global Awareness in their lesson plans for their content areas. It is very possible that a lot of teachers may be at the Developing level in regard to implementation of 21st Century Skills Students should be working collaboratively in class.
Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach. D. Teachers make instruction relevant to students: Incorporate life skills which include leadership, ethics, accountability, adaptability, personal productivity, personal responsibility, people skills, self-direction, and social responsibility Demonstrate the relationship between the core content and 21st Century content that includes global awareness; financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy; civic literacy; and health and wellness awareness
What are the 21st Century Life Skills? 21st Century Life and Career Skills include: Flexibility and Adaptability Initiative and Self-Direction Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Productivity and Accountability Leadership and Responsibility Share the examples from the Standard III Pre-Activity sheet.
Teachers know the content they teach. Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach.
Points to Ponder about Element D Teachers who establish a respectful learning environment will be teaching the 21st Century Life Skills as they model for students how to work productively in the classroom. Teachers will need to be able to connect their content to Global Awareness.
Reminders To maintain consistency throughout the county, teachers are being trained in the same format for each session of the training Complete the Pre-Activity for Standard IV before returning to the next training session