Winter at Valley Forge 1777-78 Sorry guys…my bad! This sucks. Fighting stopped during winter Temperatures were anywhere from 6-12 degrees F Washington’s army camped in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania Lacked EVERYTHING! ¼ died from malnutrition or disease Showed endurance and determination Respected Washington too much to quit I want my mommie!
“I have not yet begun to fight!” After Valley Forge, battles began happening on the seas as well as land John Paul Jones was commander of the Bonhomme Richard Won a significant naval battle against Great Britain (the best navy in the world) Angered the British BUT inspired the colonists
The Battle of Yorktown, October 1781 British General Cornwallis set up his base camp on Yorktown peninsula French ships blocked the bay British cannot receive supplies or retreat Washington trapped him by land Bombarded the Redcoats with cannon fire Cornwallis surrendered PATRIOTS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Treaty of Paris, 1783 Colonies are “free and independent states” British must remove all troops New boundary from Atlantic to Mississippi Northern and Southern border were Canada and Florida Loyalist rights and property were protected Each side repays its debts Captured slaves must be returned to owners
Treaty of Paris 1783 Create a bubble map on page 35 of your journal. The inside bubble should be titled “Treaty of Paris 1783.