Priorities for Regional Vice Chairs 2016-2020 IUCN WCPA Priorities for Regional Vice Chairs 2016-2020 Andrej Sovinc/Europe
PARKS: Valuing and conserving nature Highlighted priorities/goals for delivering the Promise of Sydney in the region PARKS: Valuing and conserving nature Advisory service on IUCN PA standards IUCN PA Green List European Parks Academy (GPPPAM) World Heritage Natura 2000 and PAs
PEOPLE: Equitable governance/Inspiring a new generation Highlighted priorities for delivering the Promise of Sydney in the region PEOPLE: Equitable governance/Inspiring a new generation Mobilization of WCPA membership: WCPA position papers Working groups, cooperation with EUROPARC Federation Refugees / marginal social groups (in PAs) Young Professionals (training)
PLANET: Nature-based Solutions Highlighted priorities for delivering the Promise of Sydney in the region PLANET: Nature-based Solutions Balkan Rivers initiative Green Infrastructure: „pro‘s“ and con‘s“ Climate Change initiatives
Proposed activities for delivering the IUCN Programme in the region 2017-2020 Activity Partners Resources Needs Natura 2000 EUROPARC Federation Working platform Strong leader IUCN PA standards Influence gov‘s Dinaric Arc Parks WWF Secured by WWF Refugeees and PAs Austrian Ministry Austrian and EU funding Presentation at WCC IUCN PA Green List National authorities Provided by countries WCC Mainly exparts and agencies (not organizations) Communication blackout overcome European Parks Academy E.C.O., University Klagenfurt etc. Austrian funding Promotion