AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress KEY QUESTIONS What did the Constitution say? Who is in Congress? Who gets elected? How is Congress organized? How does Congress do what it does? AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHAT DOES THE CONSTITUTION SAY? Article I, Section 8 The Congress shall have Power to . . . Collect ________ Pay ______ of the United States Provide for the common _________ Provide for the general _________ Taxes Debts Defence Welfare AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHAT DOES THE CONSTITUTION SAY? Article I, Section 8 The Congress shall have Power to . . . Borrow & print ________ Regulate __________ among the States Declare _____ Raise & support _______ and a _______ Money Commerce War NOT the President! Armies Navy AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHAT DOES THE CONSTITUTION SAY? Article I, Section 8 The Congress shall have Power to . . . Make all ______ which shall be ___________ & _________ for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers. Reminder: This is known as the and is associated with Laws Necessary Proper Elastic Clause Implied Powers AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHAT DOES THE CONSTITUTION SAY? Specific Powers of the HOUSE Initiate all Revenue Bills Pass Articles of Impeachment Specific Powers of the SENATE Give “Advice & Consent” to many Presidential nominations Approve Treaties Hold trials of impeached officials Mainly Taxes AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
it is better not to see them being made. Politics is the art AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Famous Quotes about Legislation Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made. Politics is the art of the possible. Otto Von Bismarck German leader of the late 1800’s AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
Otto also said: The Americans have contrived AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Otto also said: The Americans have contrived to be surrounded on two sides by weak neighbors, and on two sides . . . by fish! There is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children, and The United States of America! Otto Von Bismarck German leader of the late 1800’s AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHO GETS ELECTED? Importance of INCUMBENCY Incumbent = Person already in office Q: What percentage of House incumbents win re-election? a. about 55% b. about 70% c. about 80% d. more than 90% In the Senate, a high percentage of incumbents are re-elected, but not as high a % as House members AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHO GETS ELECTED? Why do INCUMBENTS usually win re-election? Visibility - Trips around district - Mail, E-mail, Phone calls to constituents AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHO GETS ELECTED? Why do INCUMBENTS usually win re-election? 2. Credit Claiming - Casework Helping constituents as individuals with government “red tape” - Pork Barrel Spending Winning federal projects, grants, and contracts for own district AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHO GETS ELECTED? Why do INCUMBENTS usually win re-election? 3. Position Taking Members of Congress take positions on issues in a very public way Which may help with election AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHO GETS ELECTED? Why do INCUMBENTS usually win re-election? Weak Opponents - Potentially effective opponents scared off - Opponents usually not well known - Opponents often lack experience - KEY: Opponents often lack financial backing - SUPER KEY: Incumbents HAVE Financial Backing AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHO GETS ELECTED? Importance of APPORTIONMENT For House seats, the number each state will have is recalculated every ____ years after the national ________ Re-apportionment = adjusting number of seats a state gets based on changes in __________ 10 Census population AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHO GETS ELECTED? Importance of RE-APPORTIONMENT A change in the number of House seats a state has requires a change in District lines (called ____________) The drawing of these lines in order to favor one party or politician is known as _____________ Redistricting gerrymandering AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHO GETS ELECTED? Who is this? Elbridge Gerry 5th U.S. Vice-President Who, as a politician in Massachusetts, drew up a Congressional district that looked like this . . . AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress
AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress WHO GETS ELECTED? Therefore . . . “gerrymandering” Which looked like a salamander to some people AP U.S. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS – Congress