Shifting the Paradigm: A Standards-Based approach to Fiction


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Presentation transcript:

Shifting the Paradigm: A Standards-Based approach to Fiction Global Neutral 01001a Global Warm Neutral d3d1c8 Global Accent On Dark ffbf00 Global Accent on Light ff9800 Global Accent Alt 97c410 ELA - Coral ff5147 Math 009f93 Leadership 7872bf Shifting the Paradigm: A Standards-Based approach to Fiction Grades 6-8 Leadership

Grades 6-8 Leadership Today’s Sessions Session 1: Writing Text-Dependent Questions Session 2: Shifting the Paradigm: Teaching Nonfiction in the Common Core Session 3: Shifting the Paradigm: A Standards-based Approach to Fiction Session 4: ACT, SAT, PARCC and CCSS for Leaders

Grades 6-8 Leadership Standards Institute Approach Conceptual Practical Foundations Shifts & Tools Texts & Fiction Canon & Contemporary Application: Shifts 1&2 Modules and Units Deconstructing Lessons: Shift 3 Inquiry Research and Writing Equity Strategies & Assessment Support Access Rigor Relevance July 13 - July 17 Today we are going to deep dive into a module, but before we do we have to get very clear around the glue that cements the text, instruction, and the standards together- which is how we ask questions, and what we ask in them (or something)

Grades 6-8 Leadership Purpose of this Session Participants will be able to: Identify common language and describe its function within the curriculum Distinguish between traditional approaches to canonical texts and a CCSS treatment of those texts Use ELA curriculum materials to approach canonical and contemporary texts differently 1 minute

Grades 6-8 Leadership Session Overview Examine the curriculum module’s approach to teaching classic and contemporary texts by: Discussing the common language of the Core Experiencing lessons from Module 1, Unit 1, Lesson 8 Reading and experiencing excerpts from The Long Walk to Water and an article “Loss of Culturally Vital Cattle Leaves Dinka Tribe in Refugee Camps” Observe for the Standards and Shifts that occur with this approach 1 min

Grades 6-8 Leadership Elevating discourse through a common language Leads to a more academic classroom discussion through a common vocabulary Allows for academic conversation both within the classroom and among classrooms Levels the playing field 1 min

Grades 6-8 Leadership Unifying learning through common standards Allows standards to be used as a common focus for texts, lessons, and units Leads to classwork and instruction that is oriented to a focus on standards Levels the playing field by raising expectations for learning 1 min

Read the 7th grade Curriculum Map, focusing on the following: Grades 6-8 Leadership How the Curriculum Modules Approach Classic & Contemporary Texts Read the 7th grade Curriculum Map, focusing on the following: Introduction Description Texts Standards that are Formally Assessed In your table groups, discuss the following: How does the module approach differ from traditional approaches to teaching classic and contemporary texts? 10 min Let’s take a look at two of the texts in the first Module for 7th grade.

Silently read the Chapter 1 excerpt and the Washington Post article Grades 6-8 Leadership A Long Walk to Water by Karen Russell & “Loss of Culturally Vital Cattle Leaves Dinka Tribe Adrift in Refugee Camps” by Stephen Buckley. Silently read the Chapter 1 excerpt and the Washington Post article What features make these texts complex? To what grade would you feel comfortable giving this text? How can we center our approach to a complex text on the learning standards? 15 min to read and reflect on the questions Let’s observe a teacher working with students and this story. Grades 6-8 Leadership 23 min: 2 minutes to set up the observation: this is a video of lesson in which the teacher describes her lesson design and decision-making process. As you observe this video, capture evidence about the match between what she describes and what she does. After this view, we will look at the lesson plan and what the students are supposed to demonstrate. You will use your video notes with that activity also. 11 minutes to view the video 10 minutes to discuss evidence.

Grades 6-8 Leadership Approaches to Reading do you do this?... with a masterful and close read! - 2 min

Grades 6-8 Leadership Approaches to Reading Masterful Reading Building fluency and confidence through modeling Accessing the text with confidence Understanding the text at a basic level Close Reading Collaborative reading Examining the ideas, structures, and layers of meaning, creating a common and solid understanding 3 min Need notes here

Grades 6-8 Leadership Assessed Standards The assessed standards: Provide cohesion between the units within a module Are continuously assessed for mastery throughout by students and teachers Are continuously revisited and applied in a variety of ways 3 min We want to call your attention to a feature of the modules. There are “assessed standards” that connect the units and keep you “focused” on what will be assessed.

Grades 6-8 Leadership Standards-Based Assessments From page 2 of the Module Overview Mid-Unit 1 Assessment Identifying Perspective and Using Evidence from A Long Walk to Water RL.7.1 and RL.7.6. End of Unit 1 Assessment Identifying Perspective and Using Evidence from Informational Texts about the Dinka and Nuer Tribes RI.7.1, W.7.4, and W.7.9. 4 min for directions and for them to pull up the app: You can see how the End assessment builds on the mid-unit assessment. You will now have a chance to experience an assessment for RL 7.1 and RL 7.6 First, pull up the these standards on your app. Take a moment to think about what you would want to see demonstrated in an assessment task. Now turn to page 8 in your packet and complete the assessment for Chapter 5 on pages 8-9. You may use the excerpt from the book. FYI: this is the same Graphic Organizer Format students have been using since Chapter 2; the last column will not be used until they begin to write in the second half of this Module, so leave that blank.

Grades 6-8 Leadership Mid-Unit 1 Assessment Identifying Perspective and Using Evidence from A Long Walk to Water. What information does this assessment give you about these Standards? 7.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text 7.6 Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text Grades 6-8 Leadership Mid-Unit 1 Assessment 15 min to complete and discuss at tables

Grades 6-8 Leadership Standards-Aligned Class Activities Argument Essay: Taking a Stand This assessment centers on standards RL.8.1, RL.8.2, RL.8.3, W.8.1, W.8.4, W.8.9a, L.8.2a, and L.8.2b. Students will cite the strongest evidence from the novel as they write an argument essay in which they answer the following prompt: “Atticus says, ‘Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win’ (Chapter 9, page 76). Now that you have read the whole text, what do you think? Based on his character, does it make sense for Atticus to take a stand to defend Tom Robinson? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking, and be sure to take into account what people who disagree might say.” Students will have to weigh the evidence based on Atticus’s role as both a parent and community member. In order to meet the rigors of the eighth-grade demands for argumentative writing, students will be required to argue their claim and acknowledge and distinguish their claim from alternate or argument claims.. 8 min We’re now going to look at the attention paid to this same approach to teaching a classic work of fiction, To Kill a Mockingbird. The final written assignment will assess 8 different Standards. We are about to watch a video. Divide the group into 3 for Standards-viewing: An RL group, a W group and a L group. Pull up the assigned standards on your phone and make note of what the students are asked to demonstrate. Jot down key points of evidence that you will look-for. Let’s watch a video of that shows the series of lessons leading up to well-developed, evidence-based claims in an argument. As you watch, please stay alerts and view for the shifts, for the missed opportunities by the teacher, for the kids who are NOT obviously learning at the level we need them to.

Grades 6-8 Leadership Standards-Aligned Class Activities Argument Essay: Taking a Stand “Based on his character, does it make sense for Atticus to take a stand to defend Tom Robinson? Give evidence from the text to support your thinking, and be sure to take into account what people who disagree might say.” 20 min 15 min table discussions 3 minute each group to report out what they saw – make sure their statements are evidence-based.

Grades 6-8 Leadership Quality Classroom Discussions Factors that affect the quality of discussions: The text Student and teacher preparation The prompt(s) Discussion protocol The level of conversation 2 min One last point about what we should look-for when observing classroom discussions. 18

Grades 6-8 Leadership Reflect and Write What is the gap between where you need to be and where you are? What do you need to lead and support this work? Systems and structures People Resources Who needs to learn what by when? You Leadership team Staff 4-5 minutes