Unit 1 Test Review Dana Kalachik
Unit 1 Test Review STUDY FOR UNIT ONE TEST 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50
A series of steps scientists use to solve problems. Answer: What is the Scientific Method?
When you gather information using one or more of your senses. Answer: What is an observation?
A good experiment should include a large sample size and this. Answer: What are groups of the same size?
What a controlled experiment tests. Answer: What is one variable at a time?
When an explanation is made with the support of data from an experiment. Answer: What is a theory?
The first step of the Scientific Method. Answer: What is making an observation?
The second step of the Scientific Method. Answer: What is ask a question?
The third step of the Scientific Method. Answer: What is form a hypothesis?
The fourth step of the Scientific Method. Answer: What is test your hypothesis?
The fifth step of the Scientific Method. Answer: What is analyze your results?
The sixth step of the Scientific Method. Answer: What is draw conclusions?
The part of the experiment that remains the same throughout the experiment. Answer: What is the control group?
The information collected through observations and measurement. Answer: What is data?
Physical science includes the study of these. Answer: What are chemistry and physics?
What an educated guess is called in an experiment. Answer: What is an hypothesis?
When a conclusion is drawn from information that may not be complete. Answer: What is an inference?
How a good hypothesis should be written. Answer: What is IF, THEN, BECAUSE?
When an explanation is made with support of data. Answer: What is a theory?
The variable that you change in an experiment. Answer: What is the independent variable?
The variable that you are measuring in an experiment. Answer: What is the dependent variable?
A well designed experiment’s conclusions should be based on this. Answer: What are data and observations from repeated trials of the experiment?
A good experiment should have these 3 things. Answer: What are the same size groups, a large sample size, and the experiment should be repeatable?
The number of independent variables a properly controlled experiment should have. Answer: What is 1?
The first step a student should take when conducting research for an experiment. Answer: What is state the problem to which he wants to find the answer?
When a student gets a good grade and I assume they studied. Answer: What is an inference?