Use Bias-Free Language Gender-Biased Language—language that unfairly or inaccurately depicts men’s and women’s roles. Principles: Language should reflect social realities. Language should reflect an awareness of audience.
Guidelines Avoid using the generic “he.” Every welder must sign his name on the log-in sheet before beginning his shift. Avoid language that unnecessarily identifies or emphasizes gender. Mr. Jones, Miss Gomez, and Mrs. Ching will be assigned to the budget committees.
Avoid language that assumes traditional male and female roles. Lollipop Nursery School requests that each child’s mother help out at the school at least one lunch hour per month. It will take twelve workmen to complete this job on time.
Methods for Avoiding Gender-Biased Language Eliminate the gender reference Each welder must sign the log-in sheet before beginning work. Ching, Gomez, and Jones will be assigned to the budget committee. Lollipop Nursery School requests that at least one parent of each child help out at the school at least one lunch hour per month.
Use a plural reference Welders must sign the log-in sheet before beginning their shifts. Use gender-neutral job titles Mail carriers, police officer, firefighter, etc. Use he or she Each welder must sign the log-in sheet before beginning his or her shift.