You’ve Got A Lot Of Nerve! Jeopardy You’ve Got A Lot Of Nerve! SOOOOO Impulsive A Nervous Wreck The CNS The PNS 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy
A-100 ANSWER: name for the type of neuron shown here. QUESTION: What are SENSORY or AFFERENT NEURON
A-200 ANSWER:Specific name for the type of cell being pointed to by the red arrow. QUESTION: What are SCHWANN CELLS
A-300 ANSWER: In the graph to the right, the blue line -the name for this value. QUESTION: What is about THRESHOLD
A-400 ANSWER: Small vesicles found in the axon terminals of a sympathetic motor neuron will have this neurotransmitter. QUESTION: What are NOREPINEPHRINE
A-500 ANSWER: The Nerve pathway shown here will release what neurotransmitter, and what affect will it have on the Liver? QUESTION: What is Norepinephrine, and it will cause liver to release glucose.
B B-100 ANSWER: At what point (A,B,C, or D) on the graph will Sodium/Potassium pumps turn on. QUESTION: What is Point D A C D
B-200 ANSWER: The other more proper scientific term used to describe the upswing phase of an action potential. QUESTION: What is DEPOLARIZATION
B-300 ANSWER: These gates open up to initiate the event known as Repolarization. QUESTION: What are the K+ gates
B-400 ANSWER: This ion will bind onto contractile filaments to help pull Synaptic Vesicles over to the Pre-Synaptic Membrane. QUESTION: What is CALCIUM (Ca ++)
B-500 ANSWER: This specific rapid conduction of a nerve impulse takes place at the unmyelinated spots along a nerve fiber. QUESTION: What are SALTATORY CONDUCTION
C-100 ANSWER: This system is also known as the “fight or flight” division of the autonomic system QUESTION: What is the SYMPATHETIC DIVISION
C-200 ANSWER: This enzyme is responsible for the removal of acetylcholine neurotransmitter. QUESTION: What is ACETYLCHOLINESTERASE?
C-300 ANSWER: This specific region of the adrenal gland is responsible for the production and release of EPINEPHRINE (Adrenalin) QUESTION: What is the ADRENAL MEDULLA
C-400 ANSWER: These two partners work in close proximity to one another to form the “DIENCEPHALON” QUESTION: What are the “HYPOTHALAMUS” and “THALAMUS”
C-500 ANSWER: This stage of an action potential is about to take place at “X” QUESTION: What is “RECOVERY” Na + K + X
D-100 ANSWER: This structure is responsible for prioritizing incoming sensory info and shipping it off to the appropriate area of the Cerebrum. QUESTION: What is the THALAMUS
D-200 ANSWER: The structure shown here is responsible for helping the medulla with regulating breathing QUESTION: What is the PONS
D-300 ANSWER: Both the name of the structure shown here and its main function. QUESTION: What is the CORPUS CALLOSUM and to help connect the right and left hemispheres
D-400 Question : What are the SENSORY Axons ANSWER: The type of neurons forming structure #6 Question : What are the SENSORY Axons
D-500 ANSWER: Both the lobe name and the function for the part of cerbral cortex being pointed to here. QUESTION: What is the OCCIPITAL lobe and for VISION
E-100 ANSWER: The dorsal root ganglion houses the cell bodies from this type of neuron. QUESTION: What are SENSORY (AFFERENT) NEURONS
E-200 ANSWER: The name for a quick response that doesn’t travel all the way to the brain, only travels to the spinal cord and back to effectors QUESTION: What is the reflex arc?
E-300 ANSWER: The diagram shown here illustrates this division of the autonomic nervous system that would cause this process to take place at the liver. QUESTION: What is the Sympathetic and would RELEASE GLUCOSE
E-400 ANSWER: The neurotransmitter shown here is released from axons bulbs found a the end of a long post-ganglionic fiber. QUESTION: What is NOREPINEPHRINE
E-500 ANSWER: A long preganglionic fiber followed by a short post ganglionic fiber is would have this effect on the gallbladder. QUESTION: What is the PARASYMPATHETIC DIVISION which would stimulate the gallbladder to release more bile.
FINAL JEOPARDY ANSWER: The effect that would happen if the sympathetic nervous system was activated (100 points per correct response) QUESTION: What are dilates pupil, inhibits saliva, accelerates heartbeat, dilates bronchii, inhibits peristalsis and secretion in GI, conversion of glycogen to glucose, secretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline, inhibits bladder contraction