An Introduction into Play Therapy Donna Purkis Accredited Play Therapist and Clinical Supervisor "My Time" Therapeutic Play Services "My Time" Therapeutic Play Services
Welcome Domestics Mobile Phones Participation & Safety Respect No questions are silly Plan and timings for the workshop
About me NNEB (Nursery nursing) DPQS (Diploma in Post Qualifying Studies) City and Guilds 7307. ‘A’ level Psychology. City and Guilds Level 3 and 4 Working with Parents. Certificate in Therapeutic Play Skills Diploma in Practice based Play Therapy Certificate in Creative Arts Supervision Qualifications in working with Bereaved Children 20 years experience working in Primary Schools 10 years experience working in Family Support. 7 years experience as Play Therapist 2 years experience as Clinical Supervisor
Aims of workshop Description To increase the participants awareness of Play Therapy. Aims For participants to gain a brief understanding of What Play Therapy is Who it is for How it works For participants to gain an insight into how they can use play therapy techniques. For participants to experience the therapeutic process for themselves.
Plan and timings for the workshop Introductions, with quick activity Power point – What is Play Therapy etc Practical activities Power Point, case studies Look at resources
What is play therapy? A method of helping children with behaviour and emotional problems to help themselves. Play is the child’s natural medium of self expression - it’s essential for development. Opportunity to ‘play out ‘ their feelings and problems. Therapeutic play empowers children to cope with problems in their lives and increases their self esteem. Therapeutic play improves the emotional wellbeing of the child. It can be used to alleviate a mild emotional or psychological problem that is preventing the child from functioning normally.
Children experiencing Who is play therapy for? Children experiencing Bereavement / Loss Separated/Divorced Parents Under Performing: Academic, Social, Cultural or Physical Behavioural Problems Communication Problems Withdrawn Trauma Abuse Nightmares Delayed Development Unauthorised Absences Social Exclusion Bullied/Bullies
By alleviating their emotional, behaviour and mental health problems. The purpose of play therapy in schools is to help the children benefit from teaching. By alleviating their emotional, behaviour and mental health problems.
Helping to meet the school objectives What about the benefits to the teaching staff - as well as the child? Better participation in group work Improves communication with others Develops listening skills Improves concentration on work And for ‘Achievement for all - need to act now’? Reducing exclusions Improved attendance rates
Did you know? 1 in 10 UK children suffer a mental health problem Source:1999 Government Survey 1 in 5 children suffer a psychological disorder Sources: Venables (1983);Rutter, Cox et al (1975); Jeffers & Fitzgerald (1991); Porteous (1991) etc
Cells that Fire Together Wire Together New neural pathways develop as we record new experiences. Brain plasticity enables change For the good - through therapy For the bad - programming to patterns of abuse RH side (emotions) develops before LH side (logic) More brain centres light up in response to metaphor than any other form of human communication forming new neural pathways. (Levin, F 1997 and Modell , A.H 1997) So symbolic / fantasy play with its use of metaphors provides new experiences that develops the brain/mind.
Play aids the release of opioids and oxytocin: You do not feel aggressive or anxious You feel calm and psychologically strong You have a feeling that everything is well in your world, You have a deep sense of well-being You feel safe in the world The world has meaning Your immune system works better. You are better able to learn Dealing with an ‘out of control child’ The reptilian brain has taken over from the cortex ‘IQ’ is reduced Talking is no use - child has to be calmed through play and reflection
In the sand make a Sand World to represent a family. Practical activity 1 In the sand make a Sand World to represent a family.
Use the creative resources to represent a family. Practical activity 2 Use the creative resources to represent a family.
Benefits of use of Art materials Pictures can act as a bridge between the worker and the child/young person Just about anyone can use arts materials Verbal and non verbal communication Produces something concrete, that allow for discussion Exploration of thoughts, ideas and issues More awareness of feelings/issues previously hidden or only partly aware Requires active participation Release of feelings Fun
The Holistic Child Understanding Communication Social Relations APAC The Holistic Child Understanding Communication Physical Skills Social Relations The Whole Child Caring for Self Emotional Moral / Spiritual Creativity 16 16
Using the Main Therapeutic Play Tools
Websites Any questions Any questions