Revision of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) European Commission Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT) INSPIRE MIG policy sub-group meeting 23-24 June, 2016
European Interoperability Framework Context & background Adoption of a Priority ICT Standards Plan and extending the European Interoperability Framework for public services 2
EIF revision why Alignment with policy development Policies having a strong linkage with IOP have been either recently launched (e.g. DSM strategy) or revised (e.g. PSI Directive). Extend and align with emerging trends Include the European Reference Interoperability Architecture (EIRA) and Cartography (EIC) ICT (e.g. Cloud) Information management (e.g. Big data, Open data) Security Organisational and governance structures More focus on EIF implementation NIFs aligned with EIF to a large extent (72%) Application (implementation and monitoring) of NIFs still lags behind (28%) 3
Guidance Support Best practices The Role of EIF Guidance Support Best practices Avoiding the creation of new electronic barriers or silos when modernising public administrations in Europe Facilitating the interconnection of public services for citizens and businesses at national and EU level Improving quality of public services and transparency Coherence of open data from various sectors and countries 4
The Role of EIF "The EIF is meant to be a generic framework applicable to all Member States, EU institutions and policy sectors. It lays outs the basic conditions for achieving interoperability, acting as the common denominator for pertinent initiatives at all levels including European national, regional and local, embracing public administrations, citizens and businesses." Revised EIF Draft version
The EIF Elements 49 Recommendations
The EIF Elements Interoperability layered model
Public Service Conceptual Model The EIF Elements Multi-model access Digital-by-Default One-stop-shop End-to/end service Internal information sources and Services Base Registries Open Data External Information Sources and Services e.g. IoT Catalogues Service Data Software Security and Privacy Public Service Governance Interoperability by Design Public Service Conceptual Model
Updated IOP Recommendations New Areas The EIF Elements Updated IOP Recommendations example Standards Openness Information Management Base Registries Interoperability and Public Service Governance New Areas 9
The EIF Elements Base registries are reliable sources of basic information on items such as persons, companies, vehicles, licences, buildings, locations and roads. This type of information constitutes the master data for public administration and European Public Service delivery. 10
EIF revision: Example of new Recommendations 11 Make available Interface with Describe Plan & update 11
Information Interoperability EIF revision: Example of new Recommendations Semantic Interoperability has changed to Information Interoperability 12
Revised EIS/EIF adopted Consultation process + next steps MS & DGs Academia: EIF validation Board Revised EIS/EIF adopted EIS Revision Started EIF Revision Started Impact Assessment Started 12w public consultation ISA ISA² Mar 2015 Jun 2015 Oct 2015 Nov 2015 Apr 2016 Q4 2016 4w DGs consultation 13
Revision of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) Q & A European Commission Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT) INSPIRE MIG policy sub-group meeting 23-24 June, 2016