Line DRILL: Title your page: LINE Objective: You will identify various types of lines in order to combine them in a design. DRILL: You will need a full page for today’s drill. Title your page: LINE What types of lines do you see in the artwork to the right? What is a line? Draw at least 4 different types of lines:
Line LINE A line is… Types of lines: Line Designs: Trace the index card 1 or 2 times.
A line is… … A mark or stroke made on a surface. All lines have a beginning, middle, and end.
Lines: If you start with a dot, then make a mark across a surface and end with another dot, you have a line.
Types of Lines:
Types of Lines:
Lines are essential for drawing and painting Lines are essential for drawing and painting. It is the most basic beginning.
Line Weight and repetition
Look on Edmodo for the link- Zentangles
Youtube videos of line drawings: Zentangles Huge First one
Line Artwork Assignment: Objective: You will identify various types of lines in order to combine them in a design. Assignment: Use a marker to create an artwork with only lines. Break up your space into sections. Look at packets for ideas. The goal is to use a variety of lines.
Types of Lines:
Types of Lines:
Line techniques: Hatching Cross- hatching Scribbling Thick/ thin Patterns Designs
Turn in completed folders to the TO BE GRADED BOX Turn in completed folders to the TO BE GRADED BOX. Sensory Memory is due on Friday. GRADED folders are in the GRADED BOX!
Line Triptych Keep Smiling