Hot SAT Words: Lessons # 1-10
Lesson #6: The CONVIVIAL Cluster Words Relating to FRIENDLY and AGREEABLE
Easy to get along with; Affable Amiable Amicable
AFFABLE Adj. easy to talk to; easy to approach; friendly, kind; amiable
AFFABLE Don’s friendly grin conveys his AFFABLE personality. It’s fun to talk to Lisa because she’s so AFFABLE and upbeat.
AMIABLE Good natured, friendly, affable
AMIABLE AMIABLE Amy says only the kindest things about people. She doesn’t understand the meaning of nasty. Mrs. Crabtree frowns and growls a lot. She’s a little short on AMIABILITY.
Adj. Showing goodwill; peaceable AMICABLE Adj. Showing goodwill; peaceable
AMICABLE The conflict came to an AMICABLE end when the adversaries finally shook hands. (I WISH!) The AMICABLE negotiations ended with an assassination and more suicide bombings.
Adj. Compatible; having kindred needs or tastes; sympathetic CONGENIAL Adj. Compatible; having kindred needs or tastes; sympathetic
CONGENIALITY What a CONGENIAL couple! They share a passion for make-up and costumes.
Adj. Sociable, outgoing in a festive way, esp Adj. Sociable, outgoing in a festive way, esp. with respect to eating and drinking; fond of good company CONVIVIAL
CONVIVIAL A CONVIVIAL crowd will be coming to the party; therefore, it should be fun!
CORDIAL With a CORDIAL welcome, Harry made everyone feel glad to be at the meeting. The CORDIAL remarks of my guests convinced me that the party was a success. In spite of the customer’s rudeness, I tried to remain CORDIAL.
CORDIAL With a CORDIAL welcome, Harry made everyone feel glad to be at the meeting. The CORDIAL remarks of my guests convinced me that the party was a success. In spite of the customer’s rudeness, I tried to remain CORDIAL.
GREGARIOUS Liking groups and the company of others; sociable, outgoing
GREGARIOUS As a child Timmy was quiet, but as a teenager he’s GREGARIOUS.
JOCULAR ELOQUENT Adj. Liking to be with people, to joke around with them and have fun
LEVITY N. Lightheartedness; gaiety; carefree disposition, particularly when NOT appropriate
LEVITY A little LEVITY is needed to lighten up this class. “Cheating is a serious issue,” said the exam proctor. “There’s no room for LEVITY in this discussion.”