World History B February 3-7
Monday, Feb. 3 NO OA today, you have 10 minutes to review your notes/notebook. I advise you look over NB#3. Test Ch. 13 & 14 *1-50 Scantron *Essay next slide: Write on your own paper. Homework: Read Ch. 16 Notebook #12
Essay: Bonus +10 Compare and contrast elements of “A Knight’s Tale” that were time-specific versus those elements that were not. Was the movie an accurate depiction of life in the Middle Ages? Give examples and explanations to support your position. ANSWER THIS ON YOUR OWN PAPER!
Tuesday, Feb. 4 OA: Geography Skillbuider p. 442 (1 & 2) NB #12 NB #13: North American Cultures Map YOU NEED COLORED PENCILS TOMORROW! Homework: Read Ch. 16 Quiz on Ch. 16 Friday: NB #12 & 13
Wednesday, Feb. 5 OA: p. 449 #3,4,5 NB #13 (See next slide) Blue Book Activity: Read the following stories and answer the questions at the end of each story. WRITE THE QUESTIONS ALSO! p. 82 The Hero Twins of the Mayan Sacred Ball Game p. 94 The Legend of Quetzalcoatl p. 112 Pachacuti, Inca Empire Builder Homework: Read Ch. 16 Quiz on Ch. 16 Friday: NB #12 & 13
Map Directions Notebook # 13 13A (Front side) Using p. 442, color code and lable the Native American Cultures (also include a legend for each) Also color and label the following: Toltec (p. 447), the Mayans, Inca, and Aztecs 13B (Back side) Label the following for each culture: Arctic: Inuit Sub Arctic: Cree, Kutchin Northwest Coast: Chinook, Haida Plateau: Salish, Nez Perce Great Basin: Sloshone California: Pomo, Cochipi Southwest: Navajo, Hopi Great Plains: Apache, Blackfoot, Cheyenne Northeast: Huron, Iroquios Southeast: Cherokee, Natchez Meso America: Aztec, Maya Also label: the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and Hudson Bay
Thursday, Feb. 6 OA: p. 458 #3,4,5 Review NB #12 Finish Blue Book Q & A Homework: Quiz Friday on NB #12 & 13
Friday, Feb. 7 OA: p. 463 #3,4,5 Quiz Ch. 16 (NB 12 & 13) Black History TBA