The “How and Why” of Writing Expository Writing The “How and Why” of Writing
What is Expository Writing? Expository writing is defined as presenting reasons, explanations, or steps in a process Informational writing An expository essay should follow a logical sequence and have three different main points Logic and coherence is the main focus of an expository essay
How is it different ? Expository writing does not tell a story Expository writing does not persuade a reader but only gives facts and reasons Expository writing can also give the steps of a process
Key Prompt Words: explain, explore, show, detail, define, demonstrate, tell why, talk about, write why
To explain, inform, teach, or clarify a topic to the reader Purpose To explain, inform, teach, or clarify a topic to the reader
Important Aspects Audience Assume that the reader knows nothing about this topic but don’t detail every single step in such minute detail that you bore your reader.
about after afterward/afterwards as soon as at Some effective bridges, or transition words, to use when writing an Informative/Explanatory essay are those that indicate a succession or process: about after afterward/afterwards as soon as at at least at the same time at the time before before long during earlier finally first for example for instance immediately in fact this in support of last later meanwhile next Second since simultaneously soon subsequently then thereafter third till until when while