AIR QUALITY INFORMATION SYSTEM IN LITHUANIA Donatas Perkauskas Pranas Blonskis „Global environmental information systems: challenges for Lithuania“, 23 October, 2008,Vilnius Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
AIR IS (decentralized) Under the Ministry of Health Protection GOV Under the Ministry of Environment Ambient air quality Emissions to the air Indoor air quality Dept.of statistics State automatic monitoring system in cities 1 regional background st. LRTRAP, HELCOM conv. 3 rural background stations Meteorological data Chemical data Traffic flow data Chemical and meteorolog. data Chemical and meteorolog. data EPA and 5 REPD Inst. of physics – contract base EPA EPA State Environmental Protection centre State statistical data databases AQdatabase Atmosfera ICISEM DBases for modelling Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
AIR QUALITY REGULATION IN LITHUANIA TODAY Council Directive 96/62/EC of 27 September 1996 on ambient air quality assessment and management Council Directive 1999/30/EC of 22 April 1999 relating to limit values for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter and lead in ambient air. Directive 2000/69/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 November 2000 relating to limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air. Directive 2002/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2002 relating to ozone in ambient air. Directive 2004/107/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 December 2004 relating to arsenic, cadmium, mercury, nickel and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ambient air. All these directives are transferred into Lithuanian law. LRTRAP, HELCOM and Stockholm conventions. Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra New 2008/50/EC Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe Council Directive 96/62/EC of 27 September 1996 on ambient air quality assessment and management, Council Directive 1999/30/EC of 22 April 1999 relating to limit values for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, particulate matter and lead in ambient air, Directive 2000/69/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 November 2000 relating to limit values for benzene and carbon monoxide in ambient air, Directive 2002/3/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 February 2002 relating to ozone in ambient air, Council Decision 97/101/EC of 27 January 1997 establishing a reciprocal exchange of information and data from networks and individual stations measuring ambient air pollution within the Member States. In the interests of clarity, simplification and administrative efficiency these five acts are replaced by a new single 2008/50/EC Directive – shall be transferred into Lithuanian law until 2010-06-11. LRTRAP, HELCOM and Stockholm conventions. Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
AQ-ICISEM database air part Stored data – information about monitoring stations and types, laboratories, air quality parameters, methods, detection limits, units, monitoring results of physico-chemical and specific pollutants parameters. DB management system – Oracle. Data inflow – Results of measurements and analyses, made in laboratories of 5 REPD, MRC, EPA and those received from LHMS, are entered into the database via AQdabase data flow. EPA is a central institution, responsible for monitoring data collection, analysis and control. Data of LRTRAP (EMEP programme) and HELCOM conventions, EC Reglament and Stockholm convention on POPs are collected also. Data is collected on the basis of institutional cooperation and agreements. Data outflow – EC (directives and Reglaments), LRTRAP (EMEP programme) and HELCOM conventions, EUROSTAT, EC Reglament and Stockholm convention on POPs, neighboring countries (on the basis of agreements), inst., public. Future steps – Currently is under further development (NRT data transfer to EEA). However, even further enhancement and modernisation is needed. Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra Reporting flows Institutions under the Ministry of Environment (EPA, REPD, MRC, LHMS) are responsible for reporting on ambient air quality for : national governmental and science institutions, public, EC, EEA, EuroStat, LRTRAP, HELCOM and Stockholm conventions , neighbouring countries (in accordance with international agreements). Ministry of Health Protection (State Environmental Protection centre) – responsible for reporting on indoor air quality to EC, state institutions and public. Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Integrated information - AIR ICISEM Copy of AQdatabase Data AQdatabase AQdata AIR management and reporting AIR - emissions Information analysis, assessment Atmosfera Integrated information Input data DBases for modelling (including GIS data) Modelling Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Air Quality Measurement Network in Lithuania – NRT View 4 rural background 5 urban background 5 transport type 2 densely populated 1 industrial type Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
State ambient air monitoring programme for the 2007 PARAMETERS City monitoring stations VILNIUS KAUNAS KĖDAI- NIAI JONA- VA KLAIPĖDA ŠIAU- LIAI N.AK- MENĖ MAŽEI KIAI PANE- VĖŽYS Senamiestis Lazdynai Žirmūnai Savanorių pr. Petrašiūnai 0043 0042 Centre Šilutės rw. 0022 0021 0023 0012 0001 0002 0003 0004 0041 0031 0033 PARTICULATE MATTER (PM10) + PARTICULATE MATTER (PM2,5) SULPHUR DIOXIDE NITROGEN DIOXIDE NITROGEN MONOXIDE NITROGEN OXIDES CARBON MONOXIDE OZONE VOC (BENZENE) HEAVY METALS FROM TSP * PAH (BENZO(A)PYRENE) FROM TSP HEAVY METALS FROM PM10 ** PAH (BENZO(A)PYRENE) FROM PM10 METEOROLOGICAL PARAMTERS TRAFFIC COUNTER/CLASIFIER ** Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Public information access Air quality index Selected Pollutant Graphic (O3) Forecast Today Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Lithuanian stations appended to EEA NRT data network 3 rural background 2 urban background Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Data path between station and central server Collecting raw AQ data Creating hourly data pack Sending data pack through GSM GPRS network to central server Station EPA Air data server Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Air Quality Information System Data Flow Scheme Receiving raw AQ data from all stations Saving raw AQ data in Temporary Data Base Preparation of hourly averages for EPA, EEA and REPD Sending hourly averages Archiving sent data Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Data approval system for EEA (under development) Data resending by approval system: Approved AQ data ( 2-3 days old averages ) Recovered data after network failure Recovered data (not NRT) NRT Data From LTU Data goes into database Manual quality control EEA NRT Server Prepare data for resending Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Future Air Quality Information System Data Flow Scheme Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra NRT Data to EEA Now: O3 from 3 rural background stations; PM10 from 2 urban background stations. After development of “Approved data sending”: O3 from 3 rural background stations; O3 from 5 urban background stations; PM10 from 5 urban background stations; PM10 or O3 from other stations, if need. Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Current Status and Main Issues Most of the data and information needed to fulfill reporting obligations is collected and stored in AQdatabase; Air quality IS are not fully adjusted to the reporting obligations (reporting formats still under development etc.); Dificult to share data between other IS with different types of programming and technical infrastructure, Unfinished development and modernization of IS; Lack of sufficient human resources manage the DB’s; The flow of data necessarry to fulfil reporting obligations is legally regulated; Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra Future plans Most of AIR related DBs/ISs will be enhanced separately at the first stage (2009-2011) At the 2nd stage (2013 – end of structure funds period) integration of separate AIR related DBs/ISs is planned Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018
Thank you for your attention ** (Y)OUR QUALITY OF LIFE ** Aplinkos apsaugos agentūra 12/29/2018