Quotation Midlet Council (QMC) QuoteME IOC Overview Quotation Midlet Council (QMC) Jesse Collins, Hamed Esfahani, Troy Lambert, Rob Schlender, Rick VanVelkinburgh. CSE403g
White/Black box Testing White box: developers tested their own code, then team members tested each other’s code. Black box: Server side was tested mainly via browser. When no more server-side errors were found, the midlet was tested against the server until no more midlet errors were found (2 rounds). Automation: It was decided that automation would take more time than it would save. This proved to be true as the test-suite was small, testing was accomplished quickly, and few rounds were required.
Hallway testing The system was tested by new, unfamiliar users. Some few minor interface improvements were suggested. All these were implemented, save one due to time constraints. New users discover basic functionality easily, i.e. choose a category, read a quote. Expanded functionality is discovered and mastered in a reasonably short period of time. The interface could be argued over and improved forever. However, it is robust, to spec and ready for release.
Server-side IOC: Installation Covers (briefly) installation of supporting software, with links to ant.apache, java.sun, mysql. Installation on the Tomcat webserver. How to test/verify that the installation was successful. How to setup the db table. How to load the initial data file (provided). How to update the table with additional quotes.
Client-side IOC: Installation Installation instructions. List of supporting software, with appropriate links.
Support Personnel Database Administrator Webserver Administrator Quote Editor: hands off quote updates to DB admin. (Midlet support) Nextel and Nokia fight it out to see who gets to release and support the amazing QuoteME.
Users Guides Midlet user’s guide in IOC. Servlet user’s guide at http://cubist.cs.washington.edu/~hamede/ Online servlet user’s guide includes QuoteME servlet javadocs, complete installation instructions, and support plan.
Ready for release Operational concept has been realized: User interface meets spec and performs well. Client/ server interface meets spec and performs well. All phases of testing are complete. We could always do more, but the product is suitably robust for the first release. Documentation is complete. Operational software is complete, packaged, and ready for release.