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Presentation transcript:


Isolated By Barriers Bordered on east by: Yellow Sea East China Sea Pacific Ocean Bordered on north by: Gobi Desert Bordered on west by: Taklimakan Desert & Mountain Ranges

Chang Jiang River (Yangtze)

Huang He (Yellow River)

North China Plain

Shang Dynasty (1766 B.C. – 1027 B.C.)

Oracle Bones

Zhou Dynasty (1027 B.C. – 221 B.C.)

Wu Wang

Mandate of Heaven

China’s Ancient philosophies

Strict laws and force Strong government Legalism Strict laws and force Strong government

Shang Yang

Kongfuzi – “Master Kong” Confucianism Kongfuzi – “Master Kong”

Confucius (551 – 479 B.C.)

The Analects

The Five Relationships of Confucianism Father and Son Elder Brother and Junior Brother Husband and Wife Friend and Friend Ruler and Subject

The Five Relationships

The Five Relationships Two Basic Categories: Proper conduct in the family Proper conduct in society


Lae Tse (500’s B.C.)

Tao de Ching (The Book of the Way of Virtue)

“The Way” – Yin & Yang

The Three Philosophies Legalists: Humans are wicked & need strict laws & harsh punishments Confucius: Code of proper conduct Taoists: Each human must find an individual moral path to follow

Qin Dynasty 221 B.C. – 202 B.C.)

Shi Huangdi

Great Wall

Great Wall

Terra Cotta Warriors

Han Dynasty (202 B.C. – 220 A.D.)

Liu Bang (r. 202 B.C. – 195 B.C.)

Empress Lu (r. 195 B.C. - 180 B.C.)

Wudi (r. 141 B.C. – 87 B.C.)