Integrated water resources management - basin approach at the rivers Danube, Tisza and Sava in accordance to EU Water Framework Directive Prof Jovan Despotović.


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Presentation transcript:

Integrated water resources management - basin approach at the rivers Danube, Tisza and Sava in accordance to EU Water Framework Directive Prof Jovan Despotović 1, Marko Pavlović 2 MSc 1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering 2 Republic Hydrometeo Service of Serbia Belgrade, Novi Sad, March 2012

Legal instrument for co-operation and an integrated transboundary water resourses management In December 2004, representatives of the five Tisza countries under ICPDR umbrella signed the Memorandum of Understanding after which Tisza Group was established. In 2001 four former Republics in SFR Yugoslavia entered the process of negotiations which led to creation of the Framework Agreement for the Sava River Basin (FASRB) and establishment of the ISRBC. In June 1994 nine Contracting Parties signed Convention on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of Danube River (DRPC) that led to establishment of the ICPDR.

On the 14 th of December 2009 the first integrated basin management plan for the Danube river was officially approved by the Contracting Parties Plan for the Tisza River Basin was introduced to the ICPDR representatives in December 2010 Final draft version of the Sava River Basin Plan is currently in the phase of public participation which will last till 21 April 2012 Integrated River Basin Management Plans

increase the risk of Integrated water management scheme based on TRB but proposed for the SRB Industrial activities Urban development Renewable Energy Directive (Common) Agricultural Policy Environmental Protection Policies Measures under the WFD Land use management Climate change Scarcity and droughts Organic pollution N/P/pest. pollution Priority substances Hydro-morphological alterations Navigation Qualitative status Quantitative status Overall status of a water body defines influences define influences impact defines release of results in Infrastructure, structures, traffic Legend SWMI Policy areasWater status Natural/human events FloodsSedimentFIP define Water Demands Hydro Peaking Floods Directive Navigation Directive Protocol on the Navigation Regime Protocol on Flood Protection Protocol on Sediment Management Diffuse pollution Tourism

Danube Basin Analysis Report enabled the identification of the four SWMIs of a basin wide importance : OrganicOrganic NutrientNutrient Hazardous substances pollutionHazardous substances pollution Hydromorphological alterationsHydromorphological alterations Tisza Analysis Report presented additional issues regarding groundwater, water scarcity, droughts and floods As added value, final draft of the SRBMP included special chapter related to the integration of water protection with other developments in the basin As added value, final draft of the SRBMP included special chapter related to the integration of water protection with other developments in the basin Significant Water Management Issues

Key findings Organic pollution in the DRB is mainly caused by the emission of partially treated or untreated wastewater from agglomerations, industry and agriculture. Nutrient pollution comprehends mainly pollution from phosphorus and nitrogen input. Point and diffuse source discharges are to be distinguished.

The shares of pollution for the DRB from settlements in represent 27 % and 53 % for N and P respectively. Portion of agriculture for DRB is 39 % for N and 32 % for P. The most dominant pathway from diffuse pollution into the surface water for nitrogen is groundwater and for phosphorus it is erosion. Key findings DRB

Main source of nutrient pollution in the TRB is agriculture with 49% of N and 21 % of P followed by 30% of N and70% of P originating from urban sources. Key findings TRB Source: Tisza River Basin Analysis Report, 2007

Key findings SRB Nutrient pollution sources in the Sava river basin Discharged N t t/a Discharged P t t/a Urban (agglomerations) sources 11,1122,642 Industrial point sources (estimation) 1, A.3 Point pollution sources from agriculture 32,4003,784 Diffused pollution sources (risk assessment) 34,1983,932 Sava RB Total (ref. year 2007) 79,58210,540 MONERIS (ref. year ) 114,0008,900 Sava River nutrient balance 38,000 – 85,0001,800 – 6,900 Source: Final draft version 6.2 of the Sava River Basin Management Plan, 2011

A list of relevant hazardous substances was prepared by ICPDR. In total 33 priority and 8 additional substances were identified with the Danube Basin wide importance. Same approach is used for the Tisza and the Sava Basin. Key findings

Three key hydromorphological pressure components of Danube basin-wide importance are identified: Interruption of river and habitat continuity Disconnection of adjacent wetlands/floodplains Hydrological alterations Key driving forces in hydromorphological pressure causing river and habitat continuity interruption in the Tisza river basin are mainly water supply and flood protection The key driving forces causing hydromophological alterations in the Sava river basin are primarily hydropower, water supply and flood protection Key findings

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